Last updated on Apr 22, 2024 at 08:58by Petko2 comments
Welcome to our guide to the Algeth'ar Academy dungeon in theDragonflight World of Warcraft expansion. This guide will covereverything you need to know about the dungeon, including how to get to it,its layout, the trash and boss mechanics within, and its loot.
Getting into Algeth'ar Academy
Algeth'ar Academy is a level 70 dungeon located in theThaldraszus on the Dragon Isles.The nearest flight point for both Alliance and Horde players isAlgeth'era, Thaldraszus. Upon landing, head a short distanceto the east until you see the entrance of the dungeon.
This guide will focus on an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital informationto complete it across all difficulties (Normal, Heroic,and
Mythic). We will cover all 4 boss fights supported by the mostnotable trash enemies in thedungeon and their important abilities. If you would like to learn about the restof the Season 4 dungeons in the upcoming Mythic+ season, please see ouroverviews linked below. Otherwise, without further ado, let us begin!
Overview of Dragonflight DungeonsDragonflight Mythic+ Season 4
Algeth'ar Academy Layout
Dungeon Bonuses and How to Obtain them
Right when you enter the dungeon, down the invisible bridge, youwill land in The Quad area. There, you are going to find 5Dragonflight Recruiters; each of them is goingto offer you a unique buff lasting throughout the dungeon. Choosewisely, because you can only pick up 1!
Here is a more detailed overview of what buffs the recruiters offer:
- Bronze Dragonflight Recruiter will grant you the
Bronze Dragonflight Pledge Pin buff, giving you 5% Haste.
- Blue Dragonflight Recruiter will grant you the
Blue Dragonflight Pledge Pin buff, giving you Mastery Rating.
- Green Dragonflight Recruiter will grant you the
Green Dragonflight Pledge Pin buff, giving you 10% increasedhealing received.
- Red Dragonflight Recruiter will grant you the
Red Dragonflight Pledge Pin buff, giving you 5%Versatility.
- And last but not least, Black Dragonflight Recruiterwill grant you the
Black Dragonflight Pledge Pin buff,giving you 5% Critical Strike.
Boss Order in Algeth'ar Academy
In Algeth'ar Academy, you will be able to choose which boss you want toapproach first, as the dungeon gives you full flexibility in doing so. The onlycaveat is that Echo of Doragosa unlocks once you defeat the previous3 bosses: Overgrown Ancient, Crawth, andVexamus. Below you will see our personal recommendation of bossorder.
The Botanica and Overgrown Ancient
Notable Trash Before Overgrown Ancient
Just to the right from The Quad, up the stairs you are goingto find The Botanica area, where the Overgrown Ancientrests. The boss will be inactive until you defeat every singleVile Lasher and Hungry Lasher in this area.Below you can find more information about them:
- Vile Lasher has only one ability to pay attention toand that is the
Detonation Seeds ground effect. If you get hitby them you will get disoriented, so watch out!
- In every pack where a Vile Lasher is present, you will finda dozen Hungry Lasher. They do not do anything exceptauto-attack.
- Finally, the most dangerous non-boss-enemy in this dungeon:Aggravated Skitterfly. Not only do they do high damage withtheir instant
Darting Stings while charging at players, but they willoccasionally cast
Agitation, a stackable
Enrage effect thatwill increase their damage done. Use cooldowns and
Enrage dispel effects.
Overgrown Ancient Boss Guide
Overgrown Ancient has Energy and upon reaching its max willbegin to cast Burst Forth. Your healer must watch for
Burst Forth as it does heavy damage to the entire group, upon whichwill awaken all the Hungry Lasher. More details about the fight canbe found down below:
All Roles
- Stack together and move in one direction when
Germinate castis going through. This will allow you to cleave down all the Hungry Lashermuch faster.
- Sidestep the
Branch Out cast.
- Interrupt the Ancient Branch's
Healing Touch at all cost.Upon killing the Ancient Branch, it will cast
Abundance,healing all allies and players within 8 yards andremoving all applications of the
Bleed. Time itsdeath when all the Hungry Lasher are close to dying or dead to prevent themfrom healing to full health.
- Use active mitigation once you see the boss casting
Barkbreakeron you.
- Taunt the Ancient Branch as soon as it spawns.
- Once the boss casts
Burst Forth, collect threat on every one of theawakened Hungry Lashers. Keep in mind that theywill have a special
Poison attack called
Lasher Toxin;it is extremely important to pick up threat quickly and nuke them.
- Use defensive cooldowns when
Burst Forth cast is about to happen.
- As soon as the boss casts Ancient Branch, it will also apply the
Bleed effect to the entire party.You want to make sure people are topped up at all times, especially before
Burst Forth is cast.
- Be ready to top up your party once the boss casts
Burst Forth.
The Pitch and Crawth
Notable Trash Before Crawth
Once you defeat the Overgrown Ancient, continuestraight and use the invisible bridge to get towards themiddle platform. There you will find the only "mini-boss"of the entire dungeon, the Guardian Sentry. Here is whatyou should know about it:
- Guardian Sentry has a lot more health thana regular mob, hence why we refer to it as a "mini-boss".
- Avoid the
Deadly Winds ground animation at all times.After the initial hit, the tornado will circle around for severalseconds before disappearing; avoid getting in contact with it.
- Run away from
Expel Intruders; the cast will knock youback and do high damage. You can also line-of-sight the damage,even if you are still in the circle but behind one of the nearby walls.
- Your tank must be careful with the
Storm Slash"tank-buster" ability; it is best to use active mitigation if theyare low health.
Once you defeat the Guardian Sentry, you can head towardsthe area where Crawth is located. The boss has an activationprocess, which requires you to clear 3 waves of Territorial Eagleand Alpha Eagle. Here is what you should know about them:
- Territorial Eagle has only one ability, whichalways goes on the highest threat target (your tank) —
Peck.It does initial damage and applies a stackable
Bleed effect.
- At first, Alpha Eagle will not be present;they will come in Waves 2 and 3, after you have defeated theinitial Territorial Eagle spawns. They have an important
Gust frontal ability to sidestep and a
Call of the Flockbuff, which you must interrupt at all costs.
Crawth Boss Guide
In order to activate the boss, you have to throw the3 Play Ball! in the fire ring, after which it will appear.It is actually quite important to understand how
Play Ball! works: youcan throw 3 in and gain either
Goal of the Searing Blazeor
Goal of the Rushing Winds, with each of them giving youtemporary buffs but also increasing the difficulty of the fight. The boss will"activate" the Goals at 75% and 45% HP. Here is a more detailedpreview of the fight:
All Roles
- Dodge the
Overpowering Gust frontal.
- Once the boss reaches 75% and 45% HP it will betime to score goals and trigger either
Goal of the Rushing Windsor
Goal of the Rushing Winds.
- Upon throwing the 3 orbs towards the
Goal of the Searing Blaze,it will trigger a
Firestorm cast, making Crawth take75% increased damage for 12 sec, but also casting fire moteson the ground until the end of the fight(avoid them!).
- If you decide first to score goals towards
Goal of the Rushing Winds,you will trigger
Gale Force reaction, granting you 45%Haste and 50% movement speed for 20 sec. However, you willsummon Roving Cyclones until the end of the fight.
- Eventually, you will have both
Goal of the Rushing Winds and
Goal of the Searing Blaze active, and the whole fight will become messy,but here is our advice: Activate the
Goal of the Searing Blaze first,and time your cooldowns with the damage increase effect, then delay
Goal of the Rushing Windsas much as you can, since having both the negativeeffects at the same time will make this fight hell!
- Use active mitigation when Crawth is casting
Savage Peck.
- Be ready to top your teammates when Crawth is casting
Deafening Screech. On
Mythic difficulty, there will be afollow-up stackable effect called
Sonic Vulnerability, and the only wayto clear the stacks is by scoring a "goal" to either
Goal of the Rushing Winds or
Goal of the Searing Blaze.
Algeth'ar Academy and Vexamus
Notable Trash Before Vexamus
- Interrupt Corrupted Manafiend's
Mana Void as it isone of the important casts in this area. Dump your spare interrupts to stopany
Surge casts.
- Arcane Forager is another mob you should not worry about, as it onlycasts
Vicious Lunge on a random target, doing a tiny bit of damage.
- Arcane Ravager has the most health out of all the mobs in thisarea. It always charges the furthest target from your group with
Vicious Ambush and it has a deadly channeled frontal abilitycalled
Riftbreath. Dodge it at all costs!
- Spellbound Battleaxe is going to be a tough mob foryour tank due to
Severing Slash; not only it will deal an initialdamage to them, but it will add a harsh follow-up
Bleed effect.
- Spellbound Scepter is the most dangerous mob in this area. Youshould watch out for its
Mystic Blast, use crowd-control to stop it.
- Finally we have the Unruly Textbook, with the onlyimportant cast to interrupt being
Monotonous Lecture.
Vexamus Boss Guide
Once you defeat the 3 packs of mobs, Professor Maxdormuwill begin casting Recall History which will summon Vexamus.The boss is quite simple; it passively generates Energy, gaining more if itsoaks any
Mana Bombs. Upon reaching 100 Energy it will cast
Arcane Fissure, a powerful cast. Here will be a good place to useyour personal defensives. Below you can find our detailedbreakdown of how each member of your team should play it:
All Roles
- Professor Maxdormu will occasionally spawn 5
Arcane Orbs,which will slowly travel towards Vexamus. Do not let it soak them, sinceit will deal AoE damage to your entire group and add 20 Energy to its bar.Although the role of the "soaker" is more appropriate for a tank, the rest of the teamcan help soaking the
Arcane Orbs, just pay attention to your
Oversurgedebuff (you can dispel that)!
- Avoid the
Corrupted Mana pool, coming from the last tick of the
Mana Bombs, it will deal damage and slow you every second you spend in it.
- Sidestep the Arcane ground pools after the
Arcane Fissure pushback.
- You can soak several
Arcane Orbs, but beware of the initial damage;here will be a good place to use your active mitigation.
- Aim the
Arcane Expulsion frontal away from your team.
- Beware of the
Mana Bombs cast. It will always go on a random3 players from your party and deal damage-over-time. Top upyour teammates quickly!
- Use your healing cooldowns once the boss casts
Arcane Fissure.
The Headteacher's Enclave and Echo of Doragosa
Notable Trash Before Echo of Doragosa
Once you have defeated Vexamus head towards The Headteacher's Enclave,where you will find the last boss of this dungeon, Echo of Doragosa.The trash mobs around this area are some of the easiest to deal with, so ifyou are planning on running this dungeon on Mythic+ difficulty, here iswhere you want to get most of your enemy forces count. You can find a more detailedbreakdown of each mob and their abilities down below:
- Watch out for
Astral Whirlwind coming from Algeth'ar Enforcer;this will be a dangerous mob for all melee players.
- Algeth'ar Educator is one of the mobs you will love to havein each pack because of its
Astral Bomb working on enemy mobs. Simplystay with the bomb near them, and they will take the full damage.They also have an
Arcane Missiles cast that must be stopped.
- Finally, we have the Algeth'ar Nurse, with the onlyimportant cast to watch out for being their
Celestial Shield.The mob will always cast this when they are at low health, youwill not be able to interrupt it and, upon stopping it with stun/disruption effects,it will recast. It is best if you just use Purge effects to remove it.
Echo of Doragosa Boss Guide
Echo of Doragosa will have an Energy bar that will naturallyregenerate, and upon reaching 100 Energy, the boss will cast Astral Breath.Beyond that, it is also important to understand how the
Overwhelming Powerdebuff works. Unlike many of the debuffs in this dungeon, this will give you 5% increaseddamage per stack up to a maximum of 3 stacks. Here is the catch: upon reachingmaximum stacks (3), you will automatically trigger
Arcane Rift andremove all of your stacks. The Arcane Rift will periodically cast
Uncontrolled Energy, making the fight more difficult. Sidenote that
Unleash Energy will spawn 2
Arcane Rifts, makingthe already hard fight, harder. Below you can find a much more detailed breakdownof the fight:
All Roles
- Use a personal defensive when you get an
Energy Bomb cast on you.
- Run away from
Power Vacuum at all cost.
- Avoid the
Astral Breath frontal ability; failing to do so willlikely kill you.
- Make sure to have a few stacks of
Overwhelming Power just so you canspeed up the boss fight. Account for unavoidable damage, since each ofEcho of Doragosa's abilities will apply a stack of the debuff.The worst thing you can do is spawn
Arcane Rift out of pure greed.
- Tank the boss in one of the corners and be conservative with the space;this fight can become a nightmare if multiple spawns of
Arcane Riftare on the field.
- Spot-heal the target that gets the
Energy Bomb.
- The boss will occasionally cast
Arcane Missiles on arandom target, so top them up quickly!
Algeth'ar Academy Loot Table
Overgrown Ancient
Type | Item | Stats |
2H Axe | ![]() | Str, Mastery/Vers |
Mail Feet | ![]() | Crit/Haste |
Cloth Hands | ![]() | Vers/Crit |
Leather Wrist | ![]() | Haste/Mastery |
Warglaive | ![]() | Vers/Crit |
Back | ![]() | Haste/Vers |
Type | Item | Stats |
Mail Waist | ![]() | Vers/Mastery |
Cloth Chest | ![]() | Mastery/Crit |
Trinket | ![]() | Str |
Trinket | ![]() | Int |
Staff | ![]() | Agi, Crit/Vers |
Leather Hands | ![]() | Vers/Mastery |
Type | Item | Stats |
Finger | ![]() | Crit/Mastery |
1H Sword | ![]() | Str, Haste/Vers |
1H Sword | ![]() | Int, Haste/Mastery |
Off-Hand | ![]() | Crit/Haste |
Echo of Doragosa
Type | Item | Stats |
Trinket | ![]() | Agi/Str |
Plate Chest | ![]() | Vers/Crit |
Staff | ![]() | Int, Mastery/Haste |
Cloth Head | ![]() | Crit/Haste |
Mail Shoulder | ![]() | Mastery/Crit |
Plate Legs | ![]() | Vers/Crit |
Algeth'ar Academy Achievements
There are 8 total achievements to obtain in Algeth'ar Academy:
Achievement | Criteria |
![]() | Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth'ar Academy |
![]() | Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth'ar Academyon ![]() |
![]() | Defeat the Echo of Doragosa in Algeth'ar Academyon ![]() |
![]() | Defeat Echo of Doragosa in Algeth'ar Academy on![]() |
![]() | Complete Algeth'ar Academy at ![]() |
![]() | Defeat the Overgrown Ancient while all partymembers have a Well-Fed Duckling on their head inAlgeth'ar Academy on ![]() |
![]() | Defeat Vexamus without players absorbing any![]() ![]() |
![]() | Defeat Crawth after simultaneously activatingboth Goals in Algeth'ar Academy on ![]() |
- 23 Apr. 2024: Guide updated for Season 4.
- 25 Nov. 2022: Guide added.
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