Still Falling M.iv 1 'IT') Amex 1 9 rices A 0 pgjr fcp Balmoral Outdoors il)s s. Crabs Net High Low CloseChq. Comrjj'in Et Com.nco 1 Crnii A '-a'c ComiMtl Comodor 0-e ComPSv 1.50 Compolnd .36 CompDos 70 CompuDirne Compu! Appl Sales (hds.) 12 U'b 15' a 15' a 1' 6 25 2 25' 'a ft S-! 5 1 17 a 11.8 3 Va Sis 2 i'i 23 23 t'4 7 U'b 11-4 1P4 10 8-. 7 8 -'4 2 4Ja 4 4' 4 la 22 I ft 414 '4 'J F.r;.t Purse WOO; for aiden th'ff di 'j four ar olos five Wts. Horses Wrs.
-yr-n Uo Hayed 1 15 Trurrp 1 10 Southern Visit 110 Be 1 10 'Vidow Brown 105 Lei Uni Bo Forpcitd 1 15 Luf Al 115 Almost Red 1 1 5 Bo.d Colonel 1 15 b-Selectnc 1 10 Mre eius 1 '0 a-Jud-je Tytus 115 Bold Be" 115 Sales Net hds.) High Low Close Chq. '4 i i i -Ps ArkLGas 1 70 -rrow fc'ect Arundel 2 31 1 Asamera Oil A3PRO AssdBaby .60 AssdFdSt .20 AssdMtg 80e Astrex Inc Astrodata Atco Chem Athlone Ind AtCLCo 1.20a Atl Rich) wt Atlas 2.05a AtlasCorp wt Augat I Austral Oil j5 9 15 3 xl 4 1 10 107 47 20 6 12 98 49 53 64 3 241 20 12 51 74 14 3 2 9 13 28 15 9 6 19 26 159 26 82 I 12 6 17 41 17 I 5 25 2107 16 11 9 i2 1 3 126 278 9 '2't H-'e 3 16 4 i 25 1 a 4 10U 2'g 16-i 20 I Pi 24 Vt 21-4 16 31 "2 8'j 101s 3V4 2' 8 5' 8 294 18'4 23 '4 20'a 28H 5V8 4 Vt 3'4 6'4 4 14 103 5 10V8 6'i 8 V4 7 3 '2 Wt 7'b 16 16''n 255s 6 1634 26' 4 8' 47 i 10 in 8'a 16 4 4 24 4 3- 9' 2 2' 2 16 4 19'a 11 224 20 IS' a 74 29' 8 8'8 10'a 3H 2' 2 5Ve 29 V'a 23 19V 28 4''8 3'b 7'2 3 5'a 48 54 10 5 9-4 7' 5'8 8'4 6' 2 3U 6 6'VB 15V2 15 25 Va 6-8 2 i i 16 4 -20 i II 23 -1 Pi ''a 20 2' a )5Z'a '8 1'4 29'a 28 8'4 10J8 3 '-4 Auto Bldg Auto Data Pr Automat Rad AVC Corp .50 Avco Corp wt Avemco Avien Inc Avis fnd Avondl 1.20b 2' '2 5e 'a: 29 3s BACM Indus! BagdCop Baker Ind .24 Bald DH 1 20 Bald Sec Bali Co Banff Oil BanqPunt wt Banister Cntl Banner Indus BarbLynn .32 Barnes Eng Barnwell Ind Barry RG BarryWrt .30 Bartell Med Barth Sp .33 BartonBr .38 Bartons Cdy Baruch Fost Beck Ind Bell Electrn Belscnt Ret Benrus Corp BergBrun .24 Berg pfl 15 Bertea Corp Beverly Ent Bickfords Big Bear A 1 Binney .80 Bishop Ind Bloomf Bldq Bluebird Inc Bluebird wt Bohack 23 1934 28 li 5 4 7'2 '-4 31 a '4 5a la -Hb 3, 1018 Va 5 914 Va 9 'it) 7Va Va 6i'e 814 6' 2 a'a Va 7H 3 6'li 12 7'2 lo 1 5V'l V'2 15 -1 25 8a 614 'a 15Va 18 67 I 15 17 i 17'? 17'4 VsW4 Vt 10 19'4 1714 18'-2 12 90 3 14 3 31a 19 3-'4 3V4 3Vj 46 41 4 4 38 6 2 l'a 35 16 14V2 15'4 Vj A good rase in point is the current controversy over the merits of the so-called "Cross Florida anal." I toured the area vwth both proponents of the system and those opposed to it. I went by a small rowboat, by a fast runabout, by automobile and finally by airplane. hike the nature lover, who likes to away from it, all in his canoe or liht skiff, or even by wading, I was quite disturbed when I saw what was to be flooded by a new reservoir for the canal. On each side of tiiis serpentine, shallow, tea colored rive were juims.
palmettos, and small cypress frees. They are to be cut down, flooded out, or by chance may il the new wafer level is not too high. What I did not what, no one could know, without, an aeriel view, is that these areas are very small, very nanow and In NEW YORK 1. Pi Prices on the American Stock Exchange Monday touched their lowest level in more than two years as investor concern ahout the U. S.
move in Cambodia mounted. The Amex price change index dropped S00.34 to S21.65, its lowest level since March 5, 1968: The index stood at 21.58 on that date. Monday's session represented the third session in the past six in which the index had hit two year lows. Declining issues held a 751 to 161 advantage over losers out of some 1065 issues traded. The slippage of prices was attributed to the combined impact of investor pessimism stemming from a widening of U.
S. involvement in Indochina and skepticism about the government's ability to curb inflation. Of the 20 most-active issues, 19 declined, and 1 advanced. The one winner was Stylon, up at lO'a. The most-active issue was Beck Industries, off 3 at 7, on a volume of 210,700 shares.
The second most-active issue was Milgo Electronics, off at 28. VT, off 48 at 3'2, said over the weekend they were in technical default of debt amounting to S9 million. North American sugar, off 6 to 16'2, said it planned to send stockholders an explanation of why merger negotiations of Foremost-McKesson were terminated last week. 14 6'b 573 64 2 5 5 5 15 5'b 5'a 58 3-4 3' 4 '8 19 22 2034 20lt l1 160 30 27' 4 27'b 2Ja 9 7'i 75a 7V4 la 10 6J4 6U 1 18 13'i 1234 UVt 14 10'a 97b -1 8 6 6 6 Vb 2 84 8'b 8 "4 22 5'4 51ii 534 33 113-16 l'i Is 5-16 6 6 2 6'2 6'2 80 108 9H 9H '2 2 10 93i '2 6 Ilia II U'e 'a 40 22' 4 22 20 51 5''a 53b 5'! 6 7'4 7-8 7a Vt 47 638 6'4 638 '4 45 7 '4 7' 4 71,4 1 19 19 19 '4 19 5'b 5' 2 5V4 4 19 6' 2 6' 8 6 4 la 14 261a 26'. 2 10 4'a 4 4 3s 2 2314 2314 2314 '4 6 1912 19 19 2 20 7 614 614 Va 19 U'a Ilia Ilia 3'8 3 4''a 4'i4 414 "4 6 19'2 19 19 2 1 178 1714j 171i Vt 26 7'2 71 '8 136 2014 2 6 264 -2 a 4 6U 6'i 41 98 9 9 fa 34 31, 3 3 14 5'e 5'a 5'b 1 2312 23 12 23'2 4 116 1414 13'i 13 '4 IV4 12 104 10' 2 10' 2 '4 22 14b 14' 2 1458 '4 98 5'2 4'4 4'b 8 10 l34 18 1 54 14'a 14 14 6 6 6 6 Va 5 9n 9'b Vt 286 37 35 35 2Vb 3 6'-8 634 6'B 10 24 23' 24 3,4 5 1412 133'4 1314 I 26 1614 16'8 3i 6 4'a 4T 4'b 18 10'8 10 10'8 '1 986 83' 2 72V'2 75'B 2 10'4 10'a 30 314 3'2 3'2 2 Ilia H'J 22 12U ll'2 llVa la 30 14 12'o 'a 79 4612 4 4 44 2-'4 17 14la 1414 14'4 "4 17 13' 2 13 13 37 5' a 5 5 i-a 27 12'a 10'2 21 32 24'a 241 a 241e 'a 2 4U 4'a 4VB-1-16 2 2'4 28 214 8 9 85b 658 54 5'2 5'2 E-F S'ottdd'e Farm fntrv.
b-BncnvSouthqrove farm, entry. SeronrJ $4000: claiming; for three and four year olds, iix fur- Dolrymole 115 Tu'lor Speeri 1 1 5 Pax 110 Destrarious little A. Royal Arlene SuddenSflence Tudor's New Time Pointed Glance 110 fverett'sPlease 1 15 V.rfre AAay 110 Time 115 DelwareCouPty 120 Third Race-Purse $4000: for 4'2 furlongs: To Catlibbing Market 111 Humboldt Kid Circle Dance 114 L. Son Ko Sun 114 Wandering Good Hi 114 Chiouita Roadside Bar 114 Miss Ank 114 114 114 1 1 1 111 a-Robinson-Robinson-Robinson-Resseguet entry. Fourth Race-Purse $4000; claiming; for to-vear-olds: 4'A furlonos; Count McGoldrick Ambiopoise 119 Raven Ceiun Rulla The Road 119 Wee Trio a-Ririmfca 1 19 Bimy Lea Duke Of Niqht 119 a-Real Stronrj fount Arache 114 La Summit a-Robinson-Robinson entry.
Fifth Race -Purse $4000: claiming Six furlongs: Bayou Barbara 112 'Charterand-tandMiqoii 114 water Circle Inri 114 'Your A Hero Dot's Love 104 Danfi's Tootsie W.llow Rock 114 Millie Bolero Grinning 104 119 I 19 119 119 1 19 119 for 109 109 112 112 Sixth Race-Purse $4000.. claimin tnr 'our-vear-oios and upward, six turlonqs: lordSeton 110 b-Earth Shaner 112 a Beau Nixon 112 LookDon'tTouch 112 Sonnion 112 Bim'sWare 110 b-ChestnutPark 115 a-Hang A Right 112 Safari Guide 1 1 5 a-luke-Harelton-Trezo Coullhard entry. Dobkin-Scott entry. Seventh Race-Purse $4300: allowance; for four-year-olds longs: and upward; six fur- Hungry George Sir Victor CJuobson Choir Boy Cyprus King Eighth Rare 119 119 119 114 119 Actual fact Better Sea PrnicessTamara 01 Dint 114 119 114 114 Purse $6000: allowance; for four-year-olds and upward; six fur- longs: Old Grove 122 Strike A Bargain 117 Astures 109 Doc's T. V.
122 Praise Allah Dr. Greene Dilettante Loco Kid Hamlet's Ruler 109 119 117 122 119 Ninth $4800: fhree-year-olds: six furlongs: No Sale Jim 116 Cab Driver 113 Loud And True 118 Chela Gaga 112 Red Bayou 116 'Vittles 111 Wander'qHerbie 1 16 Apprentice allowance claimed. Aqueduct First Race-Purse $4200; for three-year-olds and uoward; lonns: claiming; six fur- 15 6'a 6l-2 6a 2 S'i 5ia Vt 10 18'2 16'a 16'a l5s 21 14-'(4 14'2 14' 2 12 12 II i2 10J4 10'a Vj 12 8 7J'4 714 1 2018 20ia 2014 3a 19 712 6V4 6-e 34 7 8'2 8 '4 IV '2 67 13ia 12V2 1212 D-8 10 14 13'i 131'4 5 8'a 8' 2 5 712 71a 1-8 10 7l4 7'2 7a 3a 9 23 22'2 23 '4 25 23'4 22'8 22'a la 2 534 514 514 Va 143 4H 4V8 4V4 14 15 1214 12Vs 12'4 5 418 4Ja 41-a 1 7'2 7Vl 7V'2 Va 13 15 15 15 ''2 17 31 30V2 30V4 7 3Va 34a 3H Vb 18 101 a 914 98 V2 115 101,4 10 IOV2 )2 8 7'a 8 not new. I can show you stones to the early lfiL'Os in our tri-state in regard to socalled bit; dams that would flood the countryside and kill off all the birds, animals and tree life. some 50 years later, we are still attempting to decide what is best, for the use of the land.
The only dillerence is that, today not, only the scientists working on the problems but the youth, the family, the industrialists want answers and need them Says their disarming mates limited the White ground game to minus 11 yards for the game although the reserves did pass for 1.17 yards against the regulars. Meanwhile, ekinnton and Jankowski were lead-inn the offensive regulars to a 047-yard show, 516 of if on the irrourid. Jankowski took touchdown passes of 12. 12 and OR yards from Rex Kern and another for 10 yards from Ron Maeieowski. Hrockini'-ton hullevl one and six yards for two more scores.
Hayes lent Kern to the White team in the fourth quarter and the Lancaster junior teamed with Jim Co-bum for a pass-run touchdown with 4' minutes to play. Haves sent four kickers in after the nine lourh-(I in a (I eight, whirl) lirighlened Dial weak department considerably. Two were soccer-style kickers, Wolfram Andrews of Columbus and Oner Kurk of Marion. Andrews kicks with either foot, too. His first, a left-footed effort, failed, A second with his rinht foot, was Hayes kept offensive starters Larry Zelina and Hiian Donovan and defensive regulars Tim Anderson, Mark Debeve and Ralph Holloway out of the came.
All were hurt, except Debeve, who competes with the track team. nil ISY BOU RANKIN MODERN MAN has a hard choice to make. Will lie permit private millers to pollute him on', of existence or submit to having Uie frovernir.ent grabbers try to enaiiieer him into a tolerable i i'o Otherwise he will have to e.ive up Ins opulent living completely, to the thinkme of Stewart Uclnll. former U. S.
Secretary of the Interior. Our present problems are iol So, 7V.vfi.s- Woody Bucks COLUMBUS, Ohio l' -Woody Hayes was unimpressed with the Reds' fi.j-7 Ohio State sprint; football name win over the Whites hut, Gene Stalling had other tliouchfs. "Dull," Hayes, preparim; for his lifith season as the Ohio State coach, said of the Saturday that closed sprini; for last year's Iiii-' Ten Coiler-enee co-champions. "Hii; and toiudi," said Stallincs, whose Texas A squad helps Ohio State open its 1970 campaign here September Mailings anil Hirer of his iissistants a li (I Itrucp four IoiicIkIovvii puss*s li is only recepliiins of the game and new fullback John liroeKiiigliin bulldoze and score twice. Hrorkincton, fi-foot-l, 210-poiiiul junior from Itrook-lyn, N.
who has played In All America Jim Otis' shadow for two years, appears to have that hole well phuuicd. Lou McCulloimh, the Buckeye defensive eoordi-nntor who counts two All-Americas amoni; his rue-Ked unit, praised one and prodded the other. "Jim Stillwauon (middle Riiardi had a real creat MeCullonuh said. "Jack Tat ii icornerbacki had just, an average one. He's not to improve next fall." StillwiiKim, 'latum anil 7''2 7V2 1614 17'4 T't Horsei Wts.
Horses Wts. a-Weiuh Anchor 1 13 Jet To Rule 101 A Smile For Happy River 113 Rose 104 Ring Star 113 Altowan 119 b-Classical 113 Hero Of The The Brothers Hour 113 Kay 124 Flva's Story 113 b-Skio Boy 120 a-Hot Sun 113 Maradan 113 Coachlioht Square 113 Botany Ind Bowmar Inst Bowne Co .16 Bow Vail .10 Bradfrd 60a Branch In .50 Brandywin 1 BranAirw wt BrnfAirA BrascanLt la) BraunEn .32 Breeie Bro Dart Ind BrkPerk BrwnFA BrwnFB BrownF pf.40 BTB Corp BTU Eng .28 Buehler CP Buelllnd Bundy Corp 1 Burns WJ .60 Burr JP ButlrAv ButtesGs Oil Uyers Cablecom Gn Caldor Calcomp Campbl Chib CampbM .30 CdnExp G8.0 Cdn Gridoil Cdn Homestd CdnHvdrn .20 Cdnlnt 1 80 Cdn Javelin rrin ll.rrnnl Oil Canaverl eCano(1a (nd Cap Ind Caressa Inc Carnafn 1.60 Caro PL pf 5 CastleAM .80 Castleton Ind Cavitron Cp CBK Agron Cellu Craft CentSec 2 15e CentryE Century Geo Centrylnd .24 Certified Cp Certron Corp ChadMill ChampHo .16 Charan Ind ChattGas .64 Chelsea .24 Christian Oil Cinerama Circle .40 Circuit Foil CityGsFIa .50 ClarkCbl Clarkson Ind Clarostat Clary Corp Clopay .491 CMI Corp Coburn CoffMat Cohen Hatfld CohuElec .15 Cole Druq .25 Cnle Natl .44 coiecoind Coleman 40 Colon Snd .30 Colwell tastn t-rr ii 4b fl, Earor Exp 1 4a 4Vb 48 yj'lt Eckmar Cp 33 6 6 Vj CEL Ind 1 8 I6I4 16 16 'i i iSSz Jisw iss'JS 81 i-i' trench Pho "2V, 111 12 13 9 8' 4 3a, Continued On PaRe 32 38 3'. 33b 3', 21. a I 6 s'is-io-h9 mmwmvmm 2 26 26 26 -V, JkfW'' ll 107 12-'a 1114 IP'a-llB i Ji" I faM 26 3V4 3ia. 1 fjt 1 1 16 23 23V4 W-'' 1 i 25 34'.
32V4 33'8 -1 "a $, A 233 IPa 10 10 -14 IX 'AjVt jF 30 9s, 9 9 'li 1 I fwa 'I i 6 9812 -3 4 KjOl I Cjf 280 66 66 66 14 IJ' T'jlJM il 68 51'a 5 5 -'a SS if 25 14' i2is i2H -1V2 i 3ff 1 'Y 8 2 24 2'4 it' i mf 15 23'4 22'4 221 Vt jfo 14 3 2'4 1 8 fp ILtVjt 4 8'2 81B "8 lKiJ4 Wm 2 71a 718 7 'b WNIN I fi jM 38 1034 10 10s 1,4 0JI 3 VV 22 14 3'b eW. i4 lkJllf Ul)l 14 314 34 m4 '2 UTdJJJUMJ 2 10' 107's lO'a 1,4 wrwvwv X31 8 7' '2 734 V'a 25i ''I Unwind with a relaxing hand 432 '-vV ndown and complimentary 2 8V4 8V4 -V4 steam or sauna bath at the 5 4 V4 4' 2 4' 2V2 Va 3413 12 i5'4-fB city's newest health studio, 4 45a 4V2 4V2 14 7 5'4 514 514 14 Ask (or Julie or Tamtjiy. 4 9-'4 91 2 914 50 1714 17'4 I7i'2 By appointmenl only 39 4 31B 3l8-'2; x9 1214 1212 va 531-7270 7 10 914 914 Vj 2 io't Wt $1-1 JUL-MAR HEALTH STUDIO 36 174 WH ISS-Xi FOR BUSINESSMEN 10 29-14 29 29 5b Suite C-3t, Roseljwrt Center Building 12 7i2 7ia mmmmmmmmmmmtm 21 'a 2iv 21 'a Vb aaaitaiiiiiiiiiaiiiaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaiiaii Amex Index Highs S22.00 Lows S21.56 Close $21.65 Net change Off 34 cents. A-B Sales Net! (hds.) High Low Close Chg AberdnMI .40 AberdnP Acme Hamil Adams Russl Admiral Intl Aerodex Inc AeroFlow .30 Aeroite Aernnca AerosolT 5.11 Aerovox Cp Aiken Ind 6 6 18 9 2 5 7' '2 4'a 3' 2 5'1 7 6'a 4V3 3 3 3'2 3,2 10 7 7'b 714 Va 133 13 'a 9i-a 914 V2 6V 'a I 13 24 10 1 1 6 11 Bi4 754, 75, 5'a 5''a 5''a 1.8 25'2 25'2 2''2 3 2 1,4 2V4 14 2' 4 2 2 Va 6'b 6 6 934 95 9v'a 19' 4 19 191-4 24'4 24'a 24' 12 6 117 36 223 6 19 X2 3 15 Aileen Inc AIM Cos Airlift Intl AirpaxE Airwick .25 Ajax Ma AlanWd 1.60 Alaska Airl AlbaWald .24 Aldon Ind All Am Eng Allegh Airl 17 4 3 21 4 8 16 34 2 113 30 16 13 13 1150 3 16 83 2 8 9 3 17 13 1 8 11 3 1 36 29 11 23 20 18 3 793 6 33 3 49 16 91 16 15 60 6 31 40 9 2 9 11 5 8V4 5'a 43a IPs 6 7 13 5 8 16i 'a 151b 3Vb 6 13'2 52' a 83B 3 '4 6'a 63o lOB 7 2514 18'4 1514 17-'4 a 9 834 32-14 19 171.4 28'4 5 51 '4 61 14' a 5' 8 13' a 20'a 5 a 4' 19'i 2 1C4 6 3 4' 2 54 73-4 1611 16'4 16ia 3' a 1414 4'''a 4' 4 11 6 6' 12ia 4'a a 1 514 14Vb V. a 5la 5l-' 8 31b 51 6 ia 10 'a 6V4 2514 18 15i 'a 1714 314 5'a Va 4'4 Vt II 1,8 "4 6 Va 6Vb 1-2 Aiieg Airl wt AllegCorp wt Allen El .761 Allied Art Allison Stl .40 AlloyUnl AlriqhIAU .54 Alpha Indust Altamil Corp Alter Fds 50 Alcoa pf3.75 AlumSpec .44 Amco Indust Ameco Inc A AutVnd .20 Amtsiltrit .60 A BkStra 36t AmBldqM .24 13 Va 4' 'a 14 7' a Va 15Va 12 I1 7n 5 Ve 13' 2 Va 52'B Va 81b la! 3 'a Va 514 34 63 101 Id 6'a Va 25-14 Vt 18 14 A CenIM Am FinA 1.10 'a AmFin pfl.
50 1734 14 3'a 8'a 'k 8 14 '4 321.4 ''4 18 1 in 16 -1''2 A Israeli A MaiicA .33 AMaireB .33 AmMfq 1.35c 32 18 16 28' 4 4' 51 2 6 14 13'8 19' 4 5 4s 18' 4 I.1.4 55 4 is 5' 4 6'2 16' 4 15 'a 3 13'a Am Med Am Mot Inns Am Pelr Am Preclson AmSaf Equip AmTech Amee DS AMK wt AmpcoMt .60 Amrep Corp AndreaRa .25 viAndy Gard Angelica .18 Anqlo Lautro Ansul Co .56 Anthony Ind AO Indust ApnMo Indust Applied Data Applied Dev Aquitain Cda AquitnCda fn Arctic Ent Argus Inc ArliColoLd 283'8 414 5la ln 61'a 14 4i'2 I3'a 19' 2 5' 'a 4' 4 18'4 1 P4 10'4 5b 2'n 4Hi 53B 71 16i2 I6V4 151'2 3 "2 13'a I 1 1 Va v. ls 12 3s 2 3S Li 14 Vb 1 yc-ir Sh Va WorcJK Kn qnl. inne, ViS', r.rtQ'S trie Pn'f? P'jr. cUiminq frjijr yfMr-ol'h j)nd one rn.f;f ar-i-jo, Pnnrp jfch Jonr ston, Lsli b'-l Ooir-'j 5tcrm jr-rj Hals vViacver. VJjQ: coMi honed for in me to yeir olds; ore rtMlfr; VltIs r( ST.okpy Pointpr, Cindy KnvHt, Udy D.
'Ail, D-irbv Doll, Edqt-wood StoMish Storn and Enqie ott. Fourtn -Pur, $600; conditioned thrK'-yeoT olo and utiwrd; one m.ip; Jo, 4 Fifjhting For-t'jn4, Biliy Cniv, Stars First Son, Bo and Swift Ohio. Fifth Rhci- J00; cUiminq pCf; for thnie-yfMr-oMs and upward; one mile; Irror.Mr Wi'i, Fury Yates, Son-fiy 0, Frosty, Pretty Ben, Blackie Witt dnrj Cattle Eel Jones. Sith Rc -Purse $700; claiminq pace; for fhp' par-olds arid upward; one mile; K'jhn Adio, Drp'tm, Lonesome Pptp, I'ji Jafif. Parsifal.
Wiss Joe but, Afton df-d Beatrice Lit. th Paul VjOO; conditioned for tnree-ye ar-olds and upward; one mi ie. jVitie Kniqht. Royal Sandpiper, lincoln LdiuJ Kid, Qiieens t.orton, My T'urd Anuel, Miss Hat Counsel, Ivy Star arirj Jana Oee, fights Race-Purse 5-1200; conditioned for tnre-e-ir-olfs and urward; 0' vf 1 niitntr-fj Purdue, Chief Tom Id'h, Aa'crrmo, Adioo Richard, Scotch Pac, Stone Key and Ginger G. nfh Rac Purse $600; r.laiminrj pace; f'r four olds arid upward; one mile: Surprise Brd, JiTfumah Joe, Adios Dean, Acado Up, Patti Pathfinder, Garrett Haii(jer, Koal ar rj Bachelor Creed.
Aqueduct Weather Cloudy. Track Fast. HI 4,000, cl, 3YO UP, 6 I. Hiiiyaha 9 8 0 5.40 i.K 10.80 6 60 Olus (Ru.irip) 7.00 Oil 1:30, Time 2nd 5,500, cl, 3YO, Kl. AnrilhtT 6 00 3.40 1 PO fowl fVrlasque) 5.40 4 70 i' ro Mini 5.00 Oil I 57.
7im- 5. fU.nly Double 3-8 paid $36,00) 3rd 7,000, ale, 4YO up, I'omihdls. The Critter (fflser) 10 80 5.00 2.R0 SirnulfKlo lArmstronu) 4.40 3.00 Ij Proprinty fO'Hrien) 2.60 Oil 2:26 Time 3 27 1-5. 4th 4,000, cl, 3YO up, i I. Vale (Cordero) 10.
00 4.80 3 201 M.lrqo (Rl.Turrottnl 4.60 3 20 ull Tumble (JVelasquer) 4 jo Olf 2 55. Time 1:11 4 5. 5th 4,800, Cl, 2YO, 5 I. I Textile Tr-x IKLTurcotte) 8 80 Viualus (Reynolds) Market Junqle (Gustines) Olf 3:22. Time 1.01 15.
6th 6,500, cl, 3YO, i I. John 5 40 rwetsio Sveft (RLTurcotte) R'Tnombnr Me Off Time 1:11 15. 4.40 8.80 3 20 2 80 2 80 2.40 1 300 7th 15,000, ale, 3YO up, 1 1-16 mi. tl. nrumton (Cordnro) 3.40 2 60 2,11) Tun Round (Hnlrnnnte) 4 20 5.60 Larkspur IRL Turcotte) 2.40 CJll 4: 16 I lino 1 :43 4 5 8th 9,500, ale, 3YO Up, I i 6.20 4 40 4 80 13.40 10 20 12.00 Muiinur) (Adams) Bay (Gustinns) Very Hiqh (PL Turcotte) Olf 4 46.
Time 1 :42 4-5. 9lh 7,500 dm. 3YO up I' Larry's fortune (Gustines) ml. 11.20 7 00 5.00 Smooth Operalor (Wholey) 5.60 4,00 Little Malionny (CortliTO) 6 20 Olf 5:11 lime 1 51 2 5 Attendance 28,648. Handle 3,287,684 It aim oral Washington Park Results Monday (Balmoral Meetinq) By The Associated Press Weather Clear.
Track Fast. 1st 4,000, cl, 3YO, 6 (. Floor Delialo (Perret) 7.00 2 80 2 60 Jr's Advance Martinez) 2 40 Another Playboy (Fires) Off 2:00. Time 1:10 3 5. cl, 4YO up, 6f.
Native Uprising (Sindler) pi 0.00 56 0 Alast Tlcco (flreen) 11.40 6.80 4.00 Mi Junqle (JMartinez) Olf 7:23 Time 1:10 4 5. (Dally Double 10-4 paid $63.00) 3rd 4,000 dm. 1YO 4Vi f. n-Revark (Anderson) 3 80 n-l -icly Fort iPrrlel) Tamrnys Car (Rosier) Olf 2:51. Time :52 2-5 mdns 2YO, 4'i I.
The Greek (Perrel) 3 80 Hlq Road (Valdian) Cash Grabber IHe.ilh) Oft 3:22. Time :51 3 5. 4 00 2 60 4.00 2.60 2.80 2.60 2 20 2 80 2.40 3.01) (Track record) (Ouinella 6 8 paid $8 00) mdns. 2YO f. Rnonie (Nono) 12.60 5 80 3 80 Uncle Davis (Valdlzan) 10.W) 5.60 Mr.
Gemini (Anderson) 3.40 Off 3:49. Time :52 1-5 61 4,000 stks. 5' 1 f. Royal Pine (Spindler) 6 20 4.20 3 40 Lint T. Hreen) 13.80 7.70 Clifford 'tti (Cox) 5 Oil 4:13.
Time 1:04 1 5 a Scotldale Fm. Entry cl, 3YO, 6 t. rxhilnralinq (Perrel) 6 00 llollvdnt (Anderson) Final Nolo (Fires) Oil 4 44. Time 1 10 1-5. Bill ale.
4YO up 6 I. I ikoly I aily (l-itesl 3.00 May Old Front (Perm!) Spartan Prioress (Anderson) Oft 5 08. Time 1:09 9lh 3,000 elm. 4YO up I mi King Alabil (Andorson) 4 20 Mr. Grimm (Prrint) 3.50 2.80 3.40 2.80 3 60 7 TO 2 10 2..,0 1 70 2.40 3.20 2.70 4 60 2.
HO 2 811 Iliilmn (Arroyo) Oil 5.3.5 lime I 3H I 5 Ouinella 16 paid 112 70 Attendance 8.426 Handle Ml, 082 Churchill Dinvns Wealher Clear. Track Fast, 1st Cl, 3A4yQ, 6 I. ftputmi Guard (Solomnm 10 0 0 6 00 .5 on M.itllc Mao (Snelll 27.40 17 00 Miln Rule (Hnrmnn) 5 60 Olf I 46' 1. Time 1.12 3 5. 2nd 2,700, cl, 2YO, 4' 2 I.
ki'iit (Mi'lMin) 4 00 llniihle arrio ((Millilano) Willnlle (Crunnil .1 no 5.70 (111 lf limn 2 5 (Daily Double 4 3 paid $25 00) 3rrt 1.R00, cl, 3YO, 6 I. Ki'lii'l 1 1'linonbaum) 120 6 80 War llntli-r dUownl inif. I I no 1 ,111 In) 5.70 (iff 2 line 1,12 4 5 41(1- 2700, cl, 3YO, 6 I. Hi' I 1- So lMi'l)iiwi-lll 28 20 8. 5.
20 I oil's Hope (Snelll 6.40 4 20 Cone IU110 (III Wliilnd) 3 41) 5111 3,000, mdns 3A4YO, 6 t. nrliilhlliil Delml (Snelll 3 40 2 80 2 40 1 imply Sis 5 80 4 00 Ri'vanne lo (Shirot.ll 3 40 (HI .1 4ii' i. Time 1:12 3 5. cl, 4YO UP, 6 I. HI11.
lint lie (Solmnnnel 6 20 Swiniiiiuj Mill! (Sinitlisonl Wading Win ker hrllnilielif) nil 4 o' 1 Imp 1 12, 7th 3.000 mdnv 3A4YO 6 I. ri.i.luiui lines (M.iiigaiielln) 6.60 itive I nve (r.atiiaiil I lilin Avsurrit 1 rnnipl 4 20 7.110 3 20 .1 30 (HI 4 1 lime 1 11 2 5 nit. 4YO up, 6t. I'aiiMan (111 Wllileil) 16 40 6 20 3 60 Poval llnrmnny (I'liiMpil 3 20 2 40 I ipit ll'n, kl 3 00 (HI 11.1 Time 1,1115. cl.
4YO up, 6 I. Sianilell lob (Manganello) It 20 7 60 4 60 One I ve Rully (Taurln) 4 20 3 20 Ann's llp.i 11 IOel(Miihal 4 60 Olf 5 .12. lime 1:12 4 5. CONiCNJUS Aqueduct lUino Star 16, Nol Sun 14, Wright Antnor 9. 2 -In lh.
Pink II, Franklin Park 13, PBriiin Potentatei 7. 3 Weary Traveler 19, (hilly Hill 15, Paoeanl II 4. 4 Cold 'N Wet 21, Mist Chieftain 5. 5 R0BU5T RULER 23, Boldwood 6. Royal Anqrl 10, Kino, 01 Scots I 6-lhi Pruner 27, Dam Butter II, Sa binui 5.
7- Wilk In Step 17, Thrti Mlrlinli Dothan 7. 13, 8 Klinq Klirtg 14, liith Matt 9, douin b. V-Greateth 11, Carried Interett 7, Road Mall 6. liurcliill Downs 1-Blu Name 13, Brcky 1 Princrst Rota'i Wish 6 iv, Rueado 14. Dobosh 4.
3-Batuidct 19, Ron The Warrior Pop Orn 6. 8, 4-Stop Account 13. Tandy's Dandy Tennessee Pridt I. 9, 5 Dme Wind IB, Native Tumbler 13, Hasty Mito 12 6 11 House Boat 11, Ml-riea 6 7-Connie Brother 11, tnqlish Newt II, Tep Witt 7. 8 ALL AT SfA 22, Uhlan 8, Ncmah't Gray 6 9 Proud Dusly 13, Talent Appeal 13, a a Corripul bq Cnmput Ins1' Comput In CompMch Computes! Comp Softw Conchenico ConcrdF Condec Corp Conductron Connelly Con Connrex .1 4r Conroy Inc Con Cdn Far Con Nat Sh A Con Oil Gas Con Refining CnnsltDes .40 Cont Mater Contl Tel wt Cook Elec .30 Cook Ind CooprJar .50 Corr Blck .66 Cosmodyne Craiq Corp Creole 2.60 Crestmont Cromptn 1.40 CwnCPet .701 Crystal Oil Cubic Corp Curtis Maths Cutter A .44 Cutter .44 Daitch Damon Corp DamonCr .40 Danielln 068 Daryl Indus Data Cont Data Documt DataPrnd CP DayMin Daylin .24 Daylin wt DC Tran A Dearborn Cp De urAm .30 Del Labs Deltona Corp Deltown Fds Depositors la DeroRsch Dv Deseret Ph DetectoS Devon Appar Digital Equip Dillard 20e Diodes Inc Diversey .50 Dibilyn Corp DMH Corp Dome Petrol Domlar Dorsey .10 DPA Inc Driver Harr Drug Fair .40 Dunlop Duraloy Co DurTest Dynalectrn inuijiicc Cincinnati Eagle Clo .25 3 I Scheib .64 4 17' 4 Earth Reercs 16 71 7 'EasonOil Co 12 1 1 -v, I I JTK iifc.
i i 1 MANUFACTURING (CONTRACT) ELECTRO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY COMPLETE MFG. SERVICE IN HOUSE PRODUCT ENG. AVAILABLE (CINCINNATI AREA) can Frank Daley, Confr. administrator 242-4620 luU'il. Ih'cii places heavily pol-In fact, some have polluted by timber cut.t.inn and massive farm- World I.
WhcUifr it js in Florida, Ohio, or Timhuctoo. Hip jiollutant of all arc tin; minerals (phosphates and nitrates) that leach out from soil that is heavily farmed for yields of crops pushed upward by massive doses of fertilizer. Cl'lie Potomac around Washington, I). C. and the Mamuee River in Ohio, are prime examples of this as cited by the U.
S. Dept. of I flew over one of the Oklawaha and With-lacooclice Rivers that was almost hank to hank on each side with crops. The greenery was so close to-Kether I thought it was grass. I asked the pilot to fly lower.
He did and I found row upon row of corn being grown to feed cattle. And therein lies another great pollutant, cattle feed lots and there are plenty of them in this area and have been for 50 years. One alternative is to ner- mit the rivers to no untouched. Let the nibblers continue to farm In the socalled muck land, let the land developers put in subdivisions with their attendant domestic sewage; let the small entrepreneur put in his hidden springs, alligator farms, snake cults and the like. the other nibblers put, in their small citrus fu-oves or import Hrahma cows and fill in more swamps for pasture md.
Let all of them suck the life-uiviiiK wafer out of the smaller streams at the peak, dry them up (luring the drought op let them spill over during the hurricane season. I am afraid, whether we like it or not, we will have to call upon the U. K. Corps of Kncineers, the Dept. of and its watershed propram under Public Law fiiiC.
the U. S. Reclamation bureaus and others to look at the overall picture, survey the en- ire watershed and save it for the bulk of the population not the nibblers who may nibble us ti death for ick of water to drink or air to breathe. Hack to my original premise about btiilduii: hii; dams and niakiiw bii; reservoirs for recreation. Iler-rini'fon Lake in Dale Hollow in Center Hill in 1 Lake Cumberland in Did and Harklev Lake In I the time we looked with horror on the tree cut -tine, the land flooding.
Yet today we make motion pictures about, how ureal, is the fishing in these same impoundments in Kentucky and Tennessee, no one seems to recall the furor that was raised at the time alxiuf the building of these reservoirs. Ohio can point with pride to its iniilti-purpose dams in and around Athens, Iain-caster and other places formerly devastated by floods. They wilt become the Lake Cumberlands of tomorrow. Here too, Hie alternative was to do nothing with recurring floods each spring, sometimes two a season. Whether we can afford hi permit private 1 a owners to use their land as they wish, if It Is detrimental to the overall population, is a knotty question.
Can we permit tree cutting at random, or muck farming at will, when It lies close to a public stream? We can sponsor the earth days, freedom marches and protests and the ecology experts may com plain all they wish but It is not that easy "to do something Immediately." Kcology Is the study of the Interrelationship of organisms as related to their environment. What some of the ecologisfs and some of our youngsters fail to consider is that man and our huge population of men, have to fit Info this picture, not just a few birds, bees and flowers. va nn a-Pendolari-Lvn-Sue Stable entry. b-MacMillern-Sherinqham entry. Second Race Purse $4700; claiming; i'ir tnrec-year-oids; seven turlonqs: Persian Blue Eved Ken Franklin Park 0ur Maestro Cornish Ruler Potentate Veiled Threat a In The Pink War Love Analve 122 118 11 122 120 118 Navy No a-Fields Of Eton 122 Visiting 113 Drek a-Hobeau Farm-Jerkens entry.
Third Race-Purse $4800; claiming; for four-year-olds and (on the turf) hurdles; I7r miles: Titian Kniqht 143 Rebel II 148 Weary Traveler 154 Chilly Hill 151 Cnntrapunlo 148 Pageant II 154 Va' DE De 133 fourth Race-Purse $4500: claiming; for two-vear-olds; 5 furtonqs: a ladv Kaps 119 a Rnyal Anqel 119 Welcome Jamie 1 10 Trinket Pl.iv At The Bay 119 Cold Wet I I'i Black Jade 119 -Grandma Collector Chieftain Velia Bold Print Slella 119 fidilinn-Jiimnino Brook Farm entry. entry. Filth Race -Purse $9500: allowances; for three vear olds and uoward; six fur- Intur, Fnole's Prey 124 'Cicada's Fo'c'sle fiend 119 Pride 112 Boldwood 119 Robust Ruler 1 1.3 Misty Hash 108 Kiiki Of Scots 110 Judne Seymour 1 10 Sixth Race Purse ilO.000: allowances: for three-year-olds and upward; I Va miles; (on the turf); Dam Buster 110 "Rollinq Ridge 115 Salmius 110 'Irish loom 105 Brev's lad 110 Morninq Charqe 110 P.ilenville 120 The Pruner 1 10 Wheat Crop 1 10 Seventh Race-Purse allowances; for two-vear-olds; five furloiiqs: Miqhlv Miles 115 'Three Walk In Sleo 117 Martinis 112 Oolhan 122 Far from Rnht Boy 115 Home 117 Marion Venture 1 1 Ei'ihth Purse lor three vear olds and upward; 1 miles; (on the turf): Irish Male 110 Laminate 110 Riilaiidv 123 '(osmic Price 105 Kluiq Klinq 1 10 'Finnrer Bedouin 110 Fiddler 105 Duhhv 110 Ramadan 120 Ninth Rare Purse $4200; claimmq; for lour year olds and upward; six fur- lonns:'fiee Boy 1 15 'Carried dreateth 1 15 Interest ftuilit Dot 115 Ranqmq a Iravelin Impression 10R Clwissi a lone Welcome IIH Aerohatic 'Rnval lie Pin 10 Road Mail Taslitn 112 a Middendorf-Miller entry Apprentice Allowances Claimed 110 112 102 1 15 118 Churchill Downs First Rare Purse $7600; claiminq; for three-vear-olds; 6 furloniis: Horses Wis. Unrses Wis. Raiiitree Rnarl IIS lnv nream 110 1 1 CaMmne Patch IIS Rosa's Wish IIS nine Mame 1 10 Dine Ray M'c I 10 a Pmrt Palm 114 Generous Miss lis Pr'ress 119 a Snilarca entry.
Seiond Rare Purse $2600: ctaimino; maidens; for lliree anil loiir-year-oltls; 7 llllloillis A Com Rnrailo Needlesumara Pen Si ot Christen 107 122 II? 112 112 Purse Maronret Jrllnv I OP. Pnloh Aiititot laify 107 II? 112 112 thitrl Rare (laiminri: for three year olils; 7 tiirlonits: Ron Dip'r BoluiHo 120 lusty Anythinn 11,1 Pop Oran 113 New Season I Miiis 120 Jim's liouble Mirl Rascal 115 louith Raie Purse claiminq; for four-year-olds and uimard; 6 fur- lonns: Slop Ai count 1 1 a Shooter Pohin 1 1 (arolvn T. 113 Vaudeville Time 1 IS Tandy's Dandy 117 Tennessee Pride I I One last Bid I 1 flue Oe love I 10 a-U'n Of llie Rd I 10 a Pno Aver rnliy, fifth Race Purse tVW: for tluee vear olds: 6 lurlonn allowance; Frontier lass IIS Piie Wind 119 Slips Great 112 Na'ive liimhler 119 AastyMito 119 'Tidal Water 114 Sixth Rare-Purse maidens; for two-year-cildsj 4i'- furlonos: Home Boat 117 Rough Ruffles 117 112 117 117 117 Wniniaw 117 '(. Mariea ladies Auxil'y 1 12 Pieamily 1 1 7 Princess R. V.
117 Visious tonacie 117 Flowpr Bloom Nike Of Samanthrac Blood Seventh Race Purse $3B00; rlamnnq; for four veai olds and upward; 6 furlonos Top Wise 113 Bold Boronqh 1011 Miss (aesaar 111 Fnqlish News 111 Connie's Bro. 117 Roman lipqe 112 liqhth Race Purse $3BO0; claimmq; for four-year-olds and upward; 6 turlonqs: Neniati's Gray All At Sea Stom a H'k Hill Uhlan Ninth Rare- HA John Alpaha 113 11.1 ReMipelln 113 113 fWioq OWar 103 113 Purse $2cS00; claiminq; for three vear-olds 1 Talent Appeal 109 lipoprniost 1 1 2 Cmassas 100 Princess lul hy 104 April Popov Proud Pustv Apprentu 1(19 1 20 Oanca C.uesl 109 allowance clam-ed. CONStNSUS nnri zr 4 14 ROLL These inliviliiol find compocies liove demonstrated 0 mix ei interest in the youth of dealer Cincinnati lis roidnhiilinii 1 1 00 of more to Minport the Knot hole i roomm. oualitvino "Snnd lot 100 Roster. them for a place of honor mem ana your lumiiuny summi information call Kotmrt would appreciate you bund Lot IUU tor Stixat 7.M-50IO.
further 1 -I Jim Meakin has just earned the Man-of-the-Month award for the fourth time. This becomes the 22nd major award he has received from Ohio National. In addition, Jim has been recognized by the insurance industry on nineteen occasions, including Million Dollar Round Table five times, and the National Quality Award eleven times. This impressive record does indicate sales leadership, to be sure. But more important, it demonstrates unusual capability in advising you on your entire financial program-family and business.
Why not give Jim a call soon? 1 1 GIVE THE KIDS GOOD START IN SPORTSMANSHIP THE KID GLOVE YW. lornev J. Hoyilon Avon Product FoonHntion Inc. Coco Colo loHlinq Worht Company John J. Frank Mldlond Advertitlnq Company Carl J.
Rouh Glddioq-Jtnny, Inc. Rooitlor Irothort, Inc. Arfhor Anderjon Compony Wllllom H. Zlinmor Cincinnati Gat Electric Company Hookln Can Compony Joseph S. Sttrn McAlpIn Company Wottorn Sonthtrn Lift Intaranct Co.
Horhld lank A Trait Company Ltwlf M. Croilay Control Trait Company Hwdopohl Irtwlnq Company Wllllamion Company Foundation A. W. Shell Company Ford Motor Company Proctor I Gambia Fund Ideal Marcury Prlntlnq Compony Schaoffor Tollorlnq Company First National lank Carl W. Rich I i i C.
James Meakin, An associate of 1017 Federal Reserve Bank 721-6635 I ho Robert II. Mecktenborg Agency Halnioral 1 Southern Vitil, lucky Al. Bold Colonel. 2- Sudden Silence, Scan Away, Dtlawart County. 3 Roadside: Bar, Circle Danca, Windrrlng Chigulta.
4- Count Ambiepoisa, Dukt 0( Nijbt, Count Apache. 5- Bayou Batbara. Clrcll Trip. You'rt A Hero. t-Beau Ninon, Chestnut Park, Safari Guide.
7- 0ld Dave, Better Sea, Hunqry Gor. 8- L0C8 KID, Doc'i TV, Dllleinle. 9- Wanderino Herbil, Red Bayou, Vltllet. OHIO NATIONAL Life Insurance Company Utility name in mutual lite Jiui health.