The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

Sit Are Few In Protein Meal All Grains Except Oats Ease Off At Chicago A few fractional changes were made in protein meal futures on the Memphis Board of Trade yesterday. Dealings slacked off from the previous two days, when there was considerable trade buying. Unrestricted soybean me a closed five cents lower to 20 cents a ton higher, ETL soybean meal unchanged -to 60 cents higher, bulk cottonseed meal and sacked cottonseed meal unchanged. Trading was limited to 700 tons unrestricted soybean and 100 tons of ETL soybean meal. Prices of grain futures except oats eased off on the Chicago Board Trade, mostly under pressure of profit-taking.

MEMPHIS BOARD OF TRADE Soybean meal (unrestricted), bulkOpen High Low Close Pv. Cl. July 51.75 52.00 51.75 51.80 51.85 Aug. 50.15 50.30 50.10 Sept. 48.35 48.50 48.50 Oct.

46.15 46.15 46.15 Dec. 46.15 46,15 46.15 Jan. 46,50 46.50 March 46.50 46.50 46.50 Soybean meal ETL), bulkJuly 49.15 49,75 49.15 Aug. 48.15 48.15 48.15 Sept. 47.00 47.00 47.00 Oct.

44.50 44.50 44.50 Dec, 44.50 44.50 44.50 Jan. 44.90 44.90 44.90 March 44.90 44,90 44.90 Cottonseed meal, bulkJuly 55.75 55.75 55.75 Sent. 50.00 50.00 50.00 Oct. 50.25 50.25 50.25 Dec 50.25 50.25 50.25| Jan. 50.25 50.25 50.25 March 50.25 50.25 50.25 Cottonseed meal (0.

sackedJuly 60.00 60.00 60.00 Sept. 55.00 55.00 55.00 Oct. 55.00 55.00 Dec. 55.00 55.00 55.00 Jan. 55.00 55.00 55.00 March 55.00 55.00 55.00 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Open High Low Close Pv.Cl.

WheatJuly 1.86⅝ 1.85¼ 1.85% 1.86⅜ Sept. 893 1.89½ 1.88 1.89 Dee, 1.95 1.933, 1 1.94¾ March 1.98% 1.98% 1.97% 1.97¾ 1.98½ CornJuly 1.28 1.28¼ 1.27½ 1.273 Sept. 1.24⅛ 1.23½ 1.23¾ Dec. 1.18% 1 183 1.19¼ March 1.22¾ 1.21⅞ 1.21⅞ 1 OatsJuly 60 603 Sept. 62 62 62 Dec.

RiveJuly 1.183 1.19 Sept. 1.20½ 1.2034 1.21½ Dec. 1.24¾ 1.24¼ 1.25 March 1.28 1.28¾ 1.27¼ 1.28 Soybeans- July 2.28⅛ 2814 2.26½ 2.26½ 2.281 Sept. 2.25% 2.25% 2.24% 2.24¾ 2.25% Nov. 2.233€ 2.23½ 2.22 2.22¼ 2.23% Jan.

2.273 2.27% 2 2.25% 2.27¼ March 2.29% 2.28¾ 2.30¼ LardJuly 12,40 12.40 12.32 12:40 12.42 Sept. 12.22 12.22 12.10 12.12 12.20 Oet. 11.95 11.95 11.90 11.90 12.00 Nov. 11.75 Soybean OilJuly 10.94 10.95 10.84 10.85 10.94 Sept. 10.92 10.94 10.81 10.81 10.92 Oct: 10.72 10.76 10.69 10.69b 10.79b Dec.

10.80 10.80 10.69 10.69 10.78b Jan. 10.76 10.76 10.71 10.706 10.786 CASH GRAIN wheat, nets or soybeans. Corn No. 2 vellow 1.36¾ -37; No. yellow Snybean Oil soybean meal 55.00.

Barley: Malting choice 1.20-1.35; feed INVESTING COMPANIES Re NEW YORK. May -Natl. Assn. Securities Dealers, Inc. Bid Asked Aberdeen Fund 1.54 1.69 Affiliated Fund 6.14 6.24 Am Business Shrs 4.04 4.32 A.m.

Mutual Fund 7.59 8.30 Assoc Fund Trust 1.38 1 52 Atom Dev Mutual 4.51 4.93 Axe Houghton Fd 5.09 5.53 do Fd 7.41 8.05 do Science El 9.67 10.51 do Tem Can 22.57 24.67 Blue Ridge Mutual 10.51. 11.42 Bond Inv Trust Amer 19.59 21.06 Boston Fund 15.32 16.56 Broad Street InVest 21.79 23.56 Bullock Fund 11.67 12.80 Callf Fund 7.09 7.75 Canada Gen Fund 12.13 13.10 Canadian Fund 16.81 18.19 Can Int Growth 7.00 .00 7.65 Century Shrs Trust 21.96 23.74 Chemical Fund 16.09 17.40 Colonial Fund 8.99 9.76 Comwith Income 8.12 8.83 do Investment 8.60 9.35 do. Stk Fund 11.93 12.97 Composite FA 17.01 18.49 de Fund 14.23 15.47 Concord Fund 13.83 14.95 Cons Invest Trust 16.125 17.25 Crown Inv-Div Inc 5.97 6.53 de Vegh Invest 13.95 14.09 do Mut Fund 65.50 70.00 Delaware Fund 9.91 10.90 do Income 8.21 9.03 Divers Growth Stk 6.13 6.72 do Invest Fund 8.02 8.79 Diversified Trust 15.83 17.95 Dividend Shares 2.65 2.90 Dreyfus Fund 9.43 10.25 Eaton How Bal 21.20 22.67 do Stk 19,74 21.11 Electronics Invest 4.56 4.98 Enerey Fund 144.37 145.82 Equity Fund 6.56 6.80 Fidelity Fund 12.69 13.72 Fiduciary Mut 15:11 16.33 F.I.F 3.35 3.67 Fla Growth 4.42 4.84 FIA Mutual 2.18 2.38 Founders Mut Fund 7.68 8.35 Frank Cus Com Ser 9.11 10.01 do PI Ser 5.29 5.83 Fundamental Invest 14.76 16.18 GAs Indust Fund 12.33 13.48 General Carital 11.83 12.79 Group Sec Automob 6.67 7.32 do Aviation 9.31 10.20 do Building 5.72 6.31 do Cap Grth 6.74 7.39 Chemical 11.00 12.05 do Com Stock 11.23 12.30 do Electronics 6.33 6.94 do Food 6.92 7.59 do Fully Adm 8.97 9.83 do Gen Bond 6.72 7.37 do Indust Mch. 6.34 6.95 do Inst Bond 8.35 8.70 do Merchand 10.53 11.53 do Mining 5.82 6.39 do Petrol 10.62 11.63 do R.R Bond 2.14 2.36 do RR Equip 4,66 5.12 do RR Stock 7.46 8.18 do Steel 7.10 7.79 do Tobacco 6.02 6.61 do Utilities 9.96 10,91 Growth Indus Shrs 14.10 14.52 Guardian Mutual 15.81 16.29 Hamil Fd HC7 4.02 4.38 do HDA 3.98 Haydock Fund 22.22 22.22 Income Found Fund 2.31 2.53 Income Fund Boston 6.91 7.55 Incorporated Income 7.78 8.50 xd Incorp Investors 7.29 7 Instit Bank Fund 10.37 11.34 Instit Pound Fand 9.33 10.20 Instit Growth Fund 9.49 10.39 Instit Income Fund 5,85 6,41 Instit. Insur Fund 10.94 11.97 Intl Resources Fund 3.60 3.93 Investment Co Amer 8.37 9.15 Invest Trust Boston 9.41 10,28 Istel Fund 29.50 30.09 Johnston Mutual 19.94 19.94 Keystone Cust 25.61 26.73 Keystone Cust 22.21 24.23 Keystone Cust 15.61 17.07 Keestone Cust 9.14 Keystone Cust 8.23 Keystone Cust 10.24 11.18 Keystone Cust 14.84 16.20 Keystone Cust 10.12 11.05 Keystone Cust 10.79 11.78 Keystone Cust 7.08 Keystone Fund Can 10,71 11.59 Knickerbocker Fund 5.80 Knick Gth Fd 4.90 Lexington Trust 10.79 11,79 Lexington Vent 9 13 Invest 14.30 15.63 Life Insur Loomis SAY Mutual Manag Fund Electric 1.97 Fund Electric 1.96 Manas Manat Fund Gen Indust 3.13 Manag Fund Metal 2.37 Fund Paper 3.40 Manag Fund Petrol 2.55 2 Manas Special 2.32 2 Manas Fund 2 Trans 16 Manas Fund 7 Manhat Bond Fund 6.52 Investors Trust 10 68 Mass Growth 9.99 Mass Investors Fund 19.05 Mass Life M.IF 12.65 Fund 8.93 Mutual Invest 12 76 Mutual Shares 2.00 Mutual Trust Nation- -Wide Secur 19.16 9.72 Natl Investors Nat Sec Ser Balan 10.35 11.21 5 Nat Sec Ser Bond 3.31 Sec Ser Div Nat Nat Sec Ser Pref stk 5 Nat Sec Ser Income 7 Ser Stock 6.84 Nat Sec Growth 5.85 Nat Sec Ser New.

England Fund 20.07 NY Cavital Can 30. 8.66 9 NCE Shares Peoples Secur 11.96 Philadelphia Fund 8.14 Pine St Fund 21.26 Fund 13.32 Pioneer Price, TR Growth 30.65 6.00 Puritan Fund 11.92 Putnam Geo Fund 11.12 Put Gth Fd. Scudder Fund Clark Can 33.81 41.875 Scudder St 6: do Com Stk 22.02 8,03 Selected Am Shares 10.05 Sharehidrs Trust 00 Smith, Edson Fd 11.40 Sowest Investors 11 63 Sovereign Investors 17.00 00 state Street Investment 30.07 Stein Fund Telev Elect Fund 10 61 11 02 Texas Fund 10 n2 Unit Accum Fund 6.55 Unit Cont Fund 0.30 Unit Income Fund Seience Fund trait Fund Canada Vale Line Fund 4 74 Line Income F4 Value Value Line Sol 7 Invest 54 Wash Mutual 46 Fund 11 83 Whitehall Fund 5.01 Wisconsin Fund Local Fend 69 Wade Fund 1 503 THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1958 29 MID-SOUTH DEATHS PINE BLUFF, Ark -Lynn A. Park, LAUREL, Miss. -James R.

Waltman, 35 JONESBORO. Ark. -William M. Bates, 69; James F. Rogers, 81.

NATCHEZ. E. Brown, 53. HOUSTON, Miss. --Mrs.

Cora Lee House, 36: William H. Smith. 87 M' COOL. Wesley M. Hunt, 71, TUPELO, MISS -John R.

Carroll, 54, BOONEVILLE, MiSS. ---Newton F. Rutherford. 94. M'KENZIE, Miss -Mrs.

Laura Reynolds Mann. 86. PARIS. Creacy Lou Lee. 90.

Ark. -Mrs. Nancy Presley, 79, -Mrs. Margie Manley, M. 16.

Dobbins, 58. RIPLEY, Tenn. -Mrs. Elizabeth Barker, 67. DYERSBURG, Tenn.

-Tollle Lee Chalk. 65. HARDY, -Marvin Beard. COVINGTON, Tenn. --Mrs.

Willie r. Greer. 72. UNION CITY, Tenn -Mrs. Henry Jackson.

72. BOLIVAR, Tenn. -Miss Grace Hackney, 65. MRS. INEZ MARLEY Longtime Memphian Dies At Age Of 86 Mrs.

Inez Poindexter Marley, longtime Memphian, died about 6 last night at her home at 4349 Sequoia. She was 88. Mrs. Marley was the widow of Josiah C. Marley, former telegraph operator for Illinois Central Railroad who died on, 1949.

She was born in Braden, and had lived here more than 50 years. Mrs. Marley was a Methodist. Her father, Louis Poindexter, served in the Seventh Cavalry under Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. She leaves three daughters, Mrs.

Louise McDaniel, with whom she made her home, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, also of Memphis, and Mrs. Mary Virginia Leighton of Scarsdale, N. a sister, Miss Vivian Poindexter of Memphis, and three grandchildren. National Funeral Home has charge.

GEORGE K. ROSENFELD Representative Of St. Louis Firm Dies At Age 65 George K. Rosenfeld, a representative of Englander Mattress Co. of St.

Louis, died at 8:40 a.m. yesterday at Baptist Hospital. He was 65. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at National Funeral Home with Dr.

James Wax officiating. Burial will be in Temple Israel Cemetery. Mr. Rosenfeld was born and reared in St. Louis.

He came to Memphis in 1918 and lived here for 10 years. In 1928, he and his family moved to Kansas City, returning to Memphis last year. Mr. Rosenfeld was a member of Temple Israel. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Elizabeth Lerner Rosenfeld of 1531 Poplar; a son, George K. Rosenfeld Jr. of Terre Haute, two brothers, Dr. Henry Rosenfeld and Fred Rosenfeld of St. Louis, and two grandchildren.

JACK C. HAYNES Retired Road Builder Dies At Sister's Home Jack C. Haynes, retired roadbuilder, died at 9 p.m. yesterday at the home his sister, Mrs. Fred H.

Lee of 325 North Garland. He was 78. Mr. Haynes WaS born and lived in Clarksville. before coming to Memphis to live with his sister after his retirement 15 years ago.

He a member of the First Baptist Church at Clarksville. He also his wife, Mrs. Bryant Haynes; a daughter. Miss Sarah Elizabeth of Clarksville, and a son, C. Haynes Haynes Jr.

of Memphis. National Funeral Home is in charge. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery at Clarksville. MRS. ADA STANFILL Resident Of Scotts Hill Dies In Hospital Mrs.

Ada Stanfill of Scotts Hill. died yesterday afternoon in a Jackson. hospital. Mrs. Stanfill, widow of Joe Stanfill, leaves a daughter, Miss Mary Nell Stanfill of Scotts Hill: her father, E.

W. Lockhart Scotts Hill: two sisters, Mrs. Roy Jones of St. Louis and Mrs. Aubrotherells of Willie Memphis, Lockhart and four of Memphis, Orn Lockhart of Scotts Hill, Otis Lockhart of St.

Louis and' Johnny Lockhart of San Francisco. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Pafford Funeral Home of Lexington, will be in charge of burial in Scotts Hill Cemetery. Vernon B. McLarty Services for Vernon B.

McLarty, a former Oxford. resident who died of self-inflicted gunshot wound here Thursday, will be held this afternoon at 2 at the Shiloh Baptist Church near Oxford. The Rev. E. V.

May will officiate with burial in the church cemetery. Mr. MeLarty, who lived at 1173 Peabody, was 30. Tollie Lee Chalk Tollie Lee Chalk. carpenter and church leader of Dyersburg, died yesterday at Parkview Hospital there.

He was 65. Services will be at 4 this afternoon at Dyersburg First Baptist Church, Burial will he in Fairview Cemetery there. He was the brother of Mrs. Wyona Wisener of Memphis. Thomas H.

Taylor Services for Thomas Harde. man Taylor of 2044 Felix will be held at 2 this afternoon at National Funeral Home with the Rev. Carl McCoy officiating. will be in Forest Hill. Mr.

Taylor, former employe of Bemis Bag died Thursday. He was 78. Henry L. Parham Services for Henry L. Parham of 2423 Norman will be held at 11 this morning at National Funeral Home with burial in Memorial Park.

Mr. Parham, who died last Saturday afternoon, was 67. Mrs. Lula Nelson Services for Mrs. Lula Moore Nelson of 215 LeMaster will be held at 9:30 this morning at National Funeral Home with Dr.

H. Leland Murphy officiating, Burial will be in Stanton, Tenn. Mrs. Nelson, who died Thursday, was 80. 21, 21, of in notice 25, Givens 11 23, 11 city.

Illness Is Fatal To Mrs. Sally Luke Services Today For Retired Hospital Employe Mrs. Sally Moore Luke of 535 Lemaster, former head of the physiotherapy Department at Baptist. Hospital, died at 9:30 last night at the hospital after sev-20. eral weeks' illness.

Services will be at 4 this afternoon at National Funeral Home. Burial will be in Elmwood. Mrs. Luke, a lifelong Memphian, retired a after Supervising the hospital's physiotherapy, years, department She for was more the widow of Charles 0. Luke, a dredge master with the Army Engineers.

She attended Miss Highee's School here and taught at Sans Souci Plantation School in East Arkansas before going to the hospital, She leaves two sons. Charles M. Luke and Robert G. Luke of Memphis; a sister, Mrs. Lillian Waddell of Clarksdale, and two nephews whom she reared, McGhee Moore and Houston Moore of Memphis.

WILLIAM VIRGE HANKS Former Munford Resident Is Dead At 67 William Virge Hanks, who formerly lived at Munford, died at a nursing home here at 12:40 yesterday afternoon. He was 67. 40. Mr. Hanks came to Memphis about two years ago and had been a patient at the home since.

Before his illness, he farmed near Munford. He leaves four son, Paul Hanks, Edward Hanks, Leonard Hanks and James Hanks: two daughters, Mrs. Julia Dell Os. teen and Mrs. Emily Laxton, all of Memphis; four brothers, Clyde Hanks, Wert Hanks, Dude Hanks land Edward Hanks, and two sisters, Mrs.

Irene Hicks and Mrs. Ola Elam, all of Munford. Services will be at 2 this afternoon at the Assembly God Church in Munford with Haddad Funeral Home in charge. Earl Manley Earl Manley, 16-year-old Stanton, boy, was fatally wounded late yesterday when his shotgun discharged as it slipped from his grasp and struck the ground. He was the son of Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Manley of Stanton, and the brother of Mrs. V. G. Davis of Memphis.

Services will be at 3 this afternoon at Stanton Baptist Church. Burial will be in Stanton cemetery. Lodge Notices WHITEHAVEN LODGE NO. 599. F.

A. M. will hold 8 called meeting this (Saturday) p.m.. May 24. starting 5 p.m.

Work in First Degree. Visiting brethren welcome, C. L. GUY. W.

M. GUY. Secretary RUTH REBECCA LODGE CO No. open 1. meeting, at 8 special p.m.

Columbia Mutual Tower third floor honoring Mrs. Martha P. Bittman, Rebecca Assembly president and her staff. Memurged to attend. Friends and visitors Invited.

Banquet at 6:30 p.m. at Hotel King Cotton. V. MONROE. G.

KATHERINE DUBOIS. Record. 'Secretary THE TENNESSEE CHAPTER Rainbow Division, Veterens and Ladies Auxiliary will meet Sunday afternoon, The Taystee Bread At 2 p.m. We will elect officers and afterward place flags on deceased members' graves, Full attendance is urged. C.

OWENS. President. J. C. WARD.

Corresponding Secretary. WOODLAWN CHAPTER ORDER of DeMolay will hold a public ininstallation of officers this Sunday, May 25. 9:30 p.m. LARRY CURTIS, M. C.

FRANK SCOTT, Acting Secretary. WOODLAWN LODGE NO. 211. F. A.

M. Pot luck this day. bers, come. May families 24, at and 6:30 visitors p.m. Mem- wel-, D.


Secretary, COLLINS- At residence. Lewisberg. Friday evening. May 23, 1958, at 6:45 p.m. MRS.

ORA SNEED COLLINS, wife of H. Collins. Mother of Mrs. Leon Collins, Memphis, S. Tenn, CDR.

Lloyd B. Lowery, Lewisbers, Miss Betty A May Collins, U. Navy, Thomas H. Collins Jr. Olive Branch, Miss.

Sister of Mrs. Carrie Crowford, Mrs. Burrell Parry, both of Olive Branch, Miss. Funeral services conducted by Rev, Ed Connelly and Rev. Robbie Harris will be held at Lewisberg Baptist Church, Sunday afternoon at 1 with clock.

Brantley Interment Funeral at Lebanon Cemetery Home In charge. FARLEY -Methodist Hospital. May 22, 1958, 4:40 p.m. JOHN THOMAS FARLEY, 71 years. Husband of Mrs.

Mattie L. Farley, father of Mrs. Lola Hartzog. Mrs. Lina Rhodes, John L.

Farley, Memphis, Lt. Col. Farley, Tulsa, Okla. brother of Joseph E. Farley, Dallas, Texas.

Services, 2:30 Sunday, National Funeral Home. Rev. David Murphy, Interment Forest Hill Cemetery. FENTRESS-May 20, 1958. At 2 DAVID FENTRESS, aged 85 years; father, of James Fentress of Funkstown, David K.

Fentress of Noank. and Francis P. Fentress of U. S. Army; brother of Mrs.

O. Gardner of Wynnewood, Pa. Remains were cremated at Thompson Brothers Mortuary Thursday morning Privete funeral services will be held at Pope Cemetery. Bolivar, at a later date. LAND -Kennedy Hospital, May 22.

1058. THOMAS L. LAND. aged 41 years. husband of Mrs.

Fay Land of Tulsa, Okla Remains were sent from Cosmopolitan Funeral Home 7:30 p.m. Friday to Tulsa, for services and Interment. SMITH--At Baptist Hospital, May 22, MAGALINE TAYLOR SMITH, age 73 years. J. H.

Store. Sister of Mrs. T. A. BarWidow of C.

Smith. Mother of rantine and W. R. Taylor of Greenwood. Miss.

Mrs. Robert Mulrhead Vaiden, Miss. Mrs. Minnie Pentecost and R. E.

Taylor of Shaw, and Henry Taylor, Canton, Miss. Services, conducted by Rey. Balley Stone, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, J. T. Hinton and Son Funeral Home, Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery, MEMORIAL STUDIO Markers 889 Union Ave.

JA 6 5466 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS- -BR 8-0346 GALILEE MEMORIAL GARDENS Developing South's Finest Negro Cemetery 1348 Airways 7-1385 COUGHLIN'S FLOKIST AGNES McKINNON COUGHLIN WE 8-0389 1408 Brooks Nite FA 7-6843 ABNEY -WALKER MR. BILL ABNEYWALKER, Body in state at Southern, Fridey. May 23. from 6 to 10. Interment in Galilee Memorial Gardens.

Saturday, May 24. at 10 a.m.-Southern Funeral Home. Ph. JA 7-1311 ANDERSON-AL John Gaston Hospital, May 1958 MR. WILL ANDERSON Body in state at Southern Saturday, May 24.

from 6 till 10. p.m. Services at Greer A.M.E. Church on Ash Street. SunChapel day, May at 2:30 p.m with Rev.

Keys officiating. Interment In New Cemetery. Southern Funeral Home, Park 440 Vance Avenue, phone JA 7-7311. BURNSIDE--Remains of the late MR. ALFONSO BURNSIDE will lie in state In Hayes Langston Sunday, May chapel 25.

1958. from 6 to 9 p.m for wake. at 9 p.m. from the above named Funeral chapel with Rev. Cicero Levis officiating.

Monday at Am. In National Interment Hayes Langston service. Phone JA 6-7471. DAVIS- En route to John Gaston HosMay 19, 1958. MR.

WILL H. DAVIS. pital, Davis: son of Husband of Mrs. Judia Lee and Mrs. Mamon Davis: father of Mrs.

Mr. Velmer. Martha Ann, will Louise, Jean, Little Will Earl. Jimmie, Vera Martha Mae Davis and Frankie Lee Green; brother Mr. Johnny, Ananias, William, Mrs.

and Mattie Henderson, Other of Lucile Davis relatives and friends survive. The remains will be in state May 24. 11958. in our chapel, 1231 Latham Street, 25, from 1958, 5 to 10 p.m. Funeral Church, Sunday.

Ben- May at Rose Hill Baptist ton. a.m, Officiating Rev. Ananias Brown and others. Interment In church cemetery. Arrangement, National Monarch.

WHE 8-3304. GIVENS--At his residence, 870 Willoughby Street, May 1958. MR. GEORGE GIVENS Father of Mrs. Wesley Harris Mrs.

Lela of this Other relatives and friends survive Due National Monarch, Latham Street In charge. Phone WH8-3304. ROBINSON Shelby County Hospital May services 1958. will EARNEST be held ROBINSON Saturday Fyneral 10:30 our chapel. Interment In Mt.

at Carmel Annex. Arrangements by R. S. Lewis Sons, JA 5-3264. 1231 and American Stock Exchange NEW YORK, May 23 -(AP) -Following selected list of transactions on the American Stock Exchange: Sales in Low Aber Pet A 11r Acme Pree .40 Adam Con Aeronca Mig AIrW Ind Alaksa Airl Alleg Allted Cp Art wt 135 Allied Pap Am Electron AmLaunM 85e 24 Am Petrot A 10r Am Photo Am Seal AMI Inc Amur Oil Anacon Ld 20 9-16 9-16 Ang Am Expl 10 10 10 AngLau A Ang Wupp 30.

Ark OIl ArkLaGas 1,20 324 32 Armour wt Arn Alt .30 ArmstRubA do pf 35 Ar0Equip 1 AsAmera 2 Asso Art Prod 23 Asso Art Prod Asso Fd Strs ARSO At Indust AtICstL Co 2 30 30 30 Atlas Cp wt Atlas Plyw Audio Dev Auto Vot 20 20 20 Ayrsh Coll 1b 30 30 30 Bailey Sel 10 Bald Rub 1a 121 Bald Sec 66 21 Banft Oil 6112 1-16 2 3-16 Barium Sti 14 14 Barker Bros Barry Cont Basic Inc 123 Bay View Oil 12 13-16 13-16 Bearings 10e Bell Tel Can Belock Inst Benrus Blauners Bohack 2 351 Borne Chem 22 Bourlois Braz Trae Breeze Cp 61 Br Am Oil 393 Brit Pet .28 143 Brown Co 30e 105 BrownFDis 18 Bruce 18 521 52 52 Buell Die But Eclipse 17 14 Burma 12 Burry Bis Telev 134 15-16 Calg Ed 110 253 East Av 2 Cal El Pw .76 14 Calv 0 4 4 1-16 4 1-16 4 1-16 Campb Chib 7-161 Can So Pet 22 1-16 Cdn AtI Oil 11114 13-16 Cdn Hmstd 13-161 Cdn Mare 12 03.1 Canal Rand 9 83 Canso Nat Gas $6 11 Canso Oil Prod 3-16 1 5-16 Carnation 1.40A 1 4911 Pd 23 Catalin Cenco Inst 14 83, Cen Hadley 19 CenturyInv .61 .50 18 18 18 Charis 30 Charter Oil 5 CherryBur 80 11 11 Chesebrou 3R 12 2.00 Chi Rivet 1.608 25 25 25 Christiana Oil Chrommalloy Cinerama Clarost MI 15g 31 Clary Cp Clopay Cp Coast Oils Colon Oil 361 co*ckshutt 53 CompoSh 61 Con Cont 20 61 Con Cub Pet 19 9-16 Con Diesel 19 Con Mng .808 Con Ret Strs Cont Air Cont Indust 40 Cont Mater 19 Cooper Jar 1b Coro Inc 1b Rey pt Crane Carr Creole Pet 14 74 Crow Coll 307 Crown Drug 20 31 Cub Am Oil Cub Atl SuE Cuban Tob 00 46 45 Cub Ven Oil 16 3 Devon Oils 9-1611 9-16 Diners Club 18 324 Dome Expl 103 103. Dom St 21 21 21 Doug Oil 00 384 Drill Expl 231 81 8 Duke Pw 1.20% 38 DuMont Lab 13 3 Duval Sul 233 Dynam Am Eider Min 17 15-16 15-16 15-16 El Bond 1.40 291 303 Electrogra 1 131 131 131 Electronics El-Tron 32 Emery Alr 43 Emp Millw 170 Equity Cp 11 Erie Forge 3 Esquire 30e 2 Eureka Co 271 Factor. .80 66 13 Fairch Cam 14 8. 241 Faraday Ur 41 7-16 114 Fargo Oils 15-16 6 15-161 Felmt Pet Sat 71 Finan Gen ..30 3 Firth Sterl 30 81 Fly Tiger 634 Ford Can A 5. 50 811 791 Ford Ltd 5 3-1615 3-16 Fox Head Fresnillo .80 Fuller Ga 1.20 Galkeno Min 15-16 15-16 Gen Dev 96 Ind Ent 1A1 Gen Plywd 78 1911 Gen Strs 25 13-16 Gen Transit 21 2036 Giant Yel 15e 13 Glen Ald Goldfield Gray Mfg GL de .75 3081 308 308 Prod 23 Gt Grid Freeh 41 Guild Films 807 334 314 Am Mch 36 214 Harnischfeg 1.60 3 29 Harvard Inv 10 Hazel Bish 14 Hazeltine 1.40b Hecla Here Gal Hevi Duty .60 22 22.

Hofman Ind 05e Hollinger 248 24 237 Holly Corp Holt. 1t 3 Home Oil A 85 do 29 Hoov Ball 2414 2 32 32 Humble 1.40 531 523 523 Hydromet 12 Imp Oil 1.20 42 423 Indust Ent Ind Plywd Ins Am 8 00 1043 1047 Int Brew 22 11 Int Petrol 1.40 521 Int Resist 20 Intex Oil Inves Roy 64 Iron Firem 00 13 Irving Alr 00 12 Israel Am Oil 18 11-16 11-16 11-16 Israel Pet 39 5-161 Jupiter Oils 10 3-16 2 3-16 Kaiser Ind 11 Kaltman Kawecki Ch 50 23 23 23 Kawneer 11 11 11 Kingsid 21 014 Kingst Pd 10 Kin Ark Oil 11 Kirby Pet 101 31. Kirk Miner 10 Klein Str 21 Kleinert 70 6 Kropp 15 L'Alcion 40 5 Lake Sh Lear 100 Lefe Real 20 Leonard 40e 49 La Land 1.408 31, Lynch Cp 20 Maule Ind 40e McDon Airc 1b 23 278 2734 McKee 00 361 Mead Tohn 1.20 80 5014 88 Menasco 15e 83 Mesabi Tron 6 Mich Chem 20 183 Mid St Pet 66 121 121 Moirb Can 73 11 Molybden 60 173 Molybden wt 42 103 11 Murphy Cp Napco Ind Nat All Deh Nat Bell Nat El Wel Nat Pet 13K Nat Research 9.98 Nat Telefilm 8.98 Nat Trans .20 Nat Un Elec Neptune 1,40 NH Clock 1 Idria 713-16 6.72 Zine 21 123 6.36 New Pk Mne 3.37 Nickel Rim 20 13-16 13-16 Noma Lts 20 614 9.98 Norbute 83 414 Nord Ketay 3 Nort So Re 2.18 No Can Oils 4 3 15-16 2.18 Noea st Airl 3.45 Northsp Ur 52 3 5-16 2.62 Northsp wt 13 2 3-16 3.75 Nuclear Am 3 81 Nuclear Am 36 Oceanic Oil 38 Orden Cp 15 Okalta Oils 11.35 Okonite 25 50 10.80 oklep 83e 50 531 20.59 Pac 721 13.68 Pac Pet Ltd 181 9.83 Pan Israel 26 5.16 12,76 Pancoast Pet 21 3.15 Pantep Oil 20.12 Park PenB 1 20 10.31 Prkba Act Patino Can 6.00 Pepperell 3A 3.63 Perfect Cir 8.05 Peru Oils 73 Phillips Sc. 4.0 Piasecki Aire Pioneer 11-161 6.10 21.70 Pneu Scale 1.6 24341 32.75 Poloron A 46 Prairie Oil Pren Hall 20 13.11 8.89 -Press MetAm 5-16 21.47 Prov Gas 36 14.70 Queb Li 15-16 4 15-16 4 15-16 30.96 Rapid Am 8 173 6.40 Raym Int 2.20 4014 Tube 73 12.96 12.09 Reiter Fost 39 11-16 11-16 44.375 Relian Ins 2.20 40141 33.81 Rem Arms Repub Ind 40 21 61 22.02 Richw Pet 3-161 8 4R Rico ArE 07 10 10.98 14.24 Rio VG Rokeach 59 Roosevelt 34.105 RonseveltRac 3t 30.07 Roxbury Cpt .30 101 Royal 06p 113 Russ Ave Russell 10.8.0 7.16 Ryan Pet 10.11 HAy Salem Bro 16 DiegOG pf 1.12 Sapph Pet 48 11-16 26 Scurry Rain Air En Seeburg Cp 79 Sentry Corp Servo Co 47 Servomech Shat Denn 69.49 Shaw Wat Sales Increase Through South Seems Indicated BIRMINGHAM, May A dollar gain in retail sales appears in the making for the South in 1958. First quarter reports show the South neck and neck with 1957, and the picture is brightening.

Other United States regions are 3 to 6 per cent behind last year This Southern lead continues a trend that has seen the South leading in retail sales gains for three consecutive years, The shown in the final reports for 1957 is substantially greater than any other region. This information is compiled by the Research Departof The Progressive Farmer from estimates by Sales Management Magazine. Total sales in the South have climbed more than 10 billion dollars since 1954. Details of the 1957 gains over 1956 are as follows: Northeast, $1.825.760.000: North Central, West, $1,683,403,000 and in the South $2,417,747,000. The Bond Market NEW YORK, May 23.

are Friday's high, low and closing prices of Bonds on the New York Stock Exchange and the total sales of each Bond: New York City Bonds 3s 80 3-16 100 3-16 100 3-16 Sales in Low Close NtCh Corporation Bonds AllegLudcy 45 811 AlliedCh 78. 1 9914 Alcoa 82 14 106 1054 106 do 83 19 101 do 64 9 do 3s 79 51 92 92 92 AlumCan 80 12 107 107 107 do 88 14 101 101 101 AmFP 5s 2030 45 84 84 84 do 4.80s 87 13 81 17 113 1121 113 5s 83 20 1103 do 85 8 106 1055 cv 73 571 1343 do 90 18 Am 73 18.100 100 do 84 3 95 95 95 do 87 5 86 86 86 do 71 10 94 94 94 75 9 903 do 80 87 87 87 do 82 5 do 86 5 821 Am Tob 35 62 18 do 38 69 9 Armour 5s 841 36 77 Atchison 45 95 7105 105 105 Atl Ref cv 33 109 BRO cv ev 60 73 12 72 714 do 48 80 27 77 do 70 4 84 84 84 Beth Stl s80 135 341 do 4s 60 56 56 56 Brun Bk cv434973 52 Burr'ghs 10 1123 1123 Can South 5562 003 995 Can Pac4sperp 973 Cap Airl cv 15 673 CenGa B20201 5 65 65 65 00 93 93 93 do 93 93 93 Chi Ill 5820541 11 Chi I 43 43 43 CMSP 55 CMSPP 2019 do CV 15 do 4594 19 803 80 Chi RI 14 103 103 103 Chi Un CIT Fin 1 do 4560 101 101 Cities CCCSL Sv 3977 1 6 65 65 65 Clev El Ill 6 Colo cv 91 90 91 Colum Gas 1 5582 8 1053 do 1 1053 1053 do 13 102 115-100 100 Comw Ed 3577 9 96 951. 951, ConEdisev 141 72 60 do 86 8 do 86 2101 101 101 do 81 5 do 72. 2 92 92 92 ConsuPw 4 92 ContBak 48 112 Curtis Pub 6s 861 99 69 112 113 5. 90 90 90 Det Edis s71 85 124 124 do 38 70 10 Doug Airc ev4877 96 96 96 do 58 '78 396 Dr Dow Ch cv 3582 11 1241 1241 Ind cv 9 10434 1044 Erle 5s 20200.

59 5 47 47 47 Fansteel 1 Firestone 72 3s 61. 1 1 1003 891 1003 8914 1003 891 Den 15 110 110 110 Cig 993 993 Gen Elec 30 100 Gen Foods 14 98 Mot AcC 4858 19 100 100 100 do 79 42 do 61 32 102 1015 do 75 11 9814 98 do 325. 72 61 981 do 69 9 97 97 97 64 20 98 975 Gen 79 8 971 Tel V4 17 1103 do cv 48 71 8 101 107 107 Grace cv 16 993 74 74 74 Hud do 45 2044B 551 35 4534 4534 KimbClark 20 101 101 Leh Val 41574 62 62 62 do 58 F20031 5 37 37 37 do 48 D20031 4 Lockhd cv 431 991 1001 Lorillard 3s 63 1 10011 Mack Trk 51568 5 9214 9216 Macy cv 5577 2 MerCh cv 811 Mols Mol 701 MKT 5967t 62 62 do 45 90 6 66 65 66 Mo Pac 268 451 45 do 20201 30 574 do 20301 31 533 do 76 981 0814 do 90 41 78 do 2005 200 7614 7514 NatCas ev 125 125 0 51 5014 51 1 Nat Stl 92 00 92 NatTe CV 314580 2 1073 1073 5 NY Con 6480 25 79 78 do 582013 18 61 60 1 do 41:2013 51. 5614 553 do 4898 28 52 NYNH 2214 221 do 452007 14 43 42 43 R8 88 88 Nia MP cv 116 NorPac 1 do 4897 13 963 9637 NorStP 2 881. 8814 8814 Northrop cv 4575 78 94 9317 Ohio Edis 3574 2 941 Olin cv 56 1043 do cv 514883 89 104 11003 Pac 1001 1001 Pac 3570 8 97 97 97 Pac 3574 41 931.

PAC 3879 91 91 91 Pac 9 3875 3 Penn RR 5868 891 891 891 do 44 1001. 100 1001. do 416565 18 861, 853 do 2 70 70 70 do 21 693 69 Phillips 32 1101 110 110 Pit PlateG 38 67 100 100 Pot 34.110 1091 110 Pub SEG 63 997 RCA cv 80 126 98 Reads 95 70 70 70 Richfield 22 116 116 SIL SF 55 20061 22 5014 do cv 6414 do 45 97 30 761. 771 Scott Pap cv3571 23 102 0114 102 Sears RAc 10 Sham 3 1131 Sinclair cv 15 11014 Smith cv 6578 5 1101 So Bell TT 38 79 92 92 90 So 175 135 So Pac 83 do 41,68 69 31. 983 983 do 81 11 913 911 So Pac Or 28 97 So Pac 86 72 72 do 96 Std Coll cv 58 67 12 92 92 92 Std NJ 91 01 Surf Tran 71 SR 88 Sylv El 32 Tex Corp 65 29 1001 1001 Tex NO 90 72141 Tex 85 82 R2 Tho Pd 31 1104 14 Unit Art CV6869 27 1091 Un Cp 1102 1102 Vanad 105 1105 Wabash 414591 7 66 66 6R Pen P314566 6 Shore 4:2361 3 49 49 Whis ev 334875 24! 0414 04 WisCen de 2004 60141 60 60 Foreirn Bonds Amsterd 103 Austral 15 do 414571 2 OR14 9814 do 314,567 de 33 562 35 00 97341 Belg Cong 68 08 OR Belgium 0011 Braz 12 do 3 98 Braz CRy 7352-1 80 20 Canada 2345 75 Chile 68 601 do 38 93 Cologne 474570 Germany 2 1021 10214 do 5880 10014 5: High Au 41575 21 Ital Con 3877 633 Ital PUt 3877 6914 Ital Rep 3:77 571 671 6716 Japan 101 101 Kreug 5859t Orient 68438t 25 100 -100 Poland Poland Rio del 381 Paust 08 OR Tokyo EL 6863 st 10014 Sag Un So Af Unstl ct AR 905.

Urus aj Total today 6.110.000 Previous day 6.670.000 Week ago 4.270.000 Month ago 5,490.000 Year 880 4.307 000 3 reare A EA 811.000 Two Jan to date 880.920 1337 to date 408.052.250 1956 to date 454 489.900 CHICAGO EGG FUTURES CHICAGO, May 23 -Prices refrizerated futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exenc change. Oren High Low Close Py 30 80 10 39 55 39.65 30 Sept. Oct. 15 80 39 30 60 39.10 Nov. 39.25 39.25 39.00 39.15 39.20 Heart Attack Fatal To Cheairs Craig Sr.

Family Plans To Move To New Home Ends Tragically A Memphis family's joy over plans for moving into a new house turned to sorrow yesterday when the father died of a heart attack, Cheairs Wilson Craig a cotton classer for Bluff City Cotton collapsed in- a front room of his home at 1624 Glenview about 4 p.m. while making arrangements for moving his family into a new brick house on Railton Road. He was 48. Although it was Mr. Craig's third heart attack in a year, he had working since October.

He suffered previous attacks in May and June, 1957, Mr. Craig was born in New Albany, and had lived here about 25 years. He was a Methodist. Mr. Craig leaves his wife, Mrs.

Sarah Rowland Craig: a daughter, Miss Jane Emily Craig: a son, Cheairs Wilson Craig both of Memphis; his mother, Mrs. Annie Craig of New Albany, and three sisters, Mrs. James Hill of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Mrs. Norman Evans of Columbus, and Mrs.

Thomas Jackson of New Albany. Cosmopolitan Funeral Home has charge, ARLIE B. SKELTON Rites For Trailer Builder To Be Tomorrow Arlie Buchanan Skelton of 1094 Ryder, trailer builder with Fruehauf Trailer died at 6:30 a.m. yesterday at Baptist Hospital after a long illness. He was 45.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Early Grove Methodist Church at Lamar, with the Rev. Melvin Howell officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Born in Memphis, Mr.

Skelton spent most of his life here except for five years when he lived in Mt. Pleasant and Lamar, Miss. He was a member of the Clear Creek Baptist Church at Lamar. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Louise Skelton; three sons.

Arlie Skelton Ransom Leon Skelton and Maurice Skelton; two daughters, Barbara Jean Skelton and Anice Skelton: two brothers, Clarence J. Skelton and Edward Skelton; and two sisters, Mrs. Louise Nickolson and Mrs. Mabel Hall, all of Memphis, MRS. MYRTIE EMERSON Former Dyersburg Resident Dies At Age Of 69 Mrs.

Myrtie Emerson, who lived with her niece, Mrs. James C. Burgess of 163 North Evergreen, died at 12:30 yesterday afternoon at John Gaston Hospital. She was 69. Born in Gibson County, Mrs.

Emerson spent most of her life in Dyersburg, Tenn. She Memphis two years ago. Shane was a member of Union Avenue Methodist Church. She also leaves a daughter, Mrs. G.

Emerson Bowling Green, three sons. James Williamson, John Edward Williamson 'and Ray Williamson of Miami, four sisters, Mrs. Mary Thompson and Mrs. C. E.

Jennings of Memphis, Mrs. J. T. Canada of Dyersburg and Mrs. Ella Ramsey of Milan, eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Curry Funeral Home of Dyersburg has charge. HUGH HOLLINGER Construction Worker Dies At Age Of 61 Hugh Hollinger, a construction worker of 784 North Manassas, died about 8 last night after beting stricken at his home. He was 61. Mr. Hollinger was born at Sardis.

Miss. He had lived here 15 years. He was a Methodist. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Dovie Brown of Memphis, and his father, Milas Hollinger of Sardis, Thompson Bros.

Mortuary sent the body to Arnold Funeral Home in Sardis servWest, ices and burial. James W. Eckles Sr. Services for James W. Eckles Sr.

of Pleasant Hill, will be held at 2:30 this afternoon at National Funeral Home with the Rev. A. C. Thurmond officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill.

Mr. Eckles, who died Thursday afternoon, was 72. Barge Dividend Voted JEFFERSONVILLE, May The directors of American Commercial Barge Line Company have declared a quarterly dividend of 25 cents per share on the common stock payable June 13, stockholders of record June 2. NEW YORK COFFER NEW YORK, May 23. -Coffee.

spot Santos No. 4 ex -dock closed at 49.25a and freight offerings Include Santos bourbons at 49.00-49.50n and 58 48.00- 48.50n. Futures: High Low Close July 48.95 48.55 48.90 Sept. 46.10 45.80 46.10 Dec. 44.95 44.50 44.90 March 43.60 43.30 43.80 May 42.35 42.00 42.46n Futures: High Low Close July 52.10 51.90 52.05n Sept.

40.65 12.45 49.63n Dec. 47.40 47.30 47.450 March 13.90 45.90 46.00n MAY 45.00 45.00 44.90n -Asked: n-Nominal. PRODUCE Live poultry no tone, yesterday's receipts were 52,000 Ibs. wholesale buying prices 2 lower. old roosters 14-17.

-Chicago Mercantile Exchange -Butter steady, receipts 1,084.000: wholesale buying prices unchanged: 93 score AA 92 A 90 89 544: cars 90 89 Eggs steady to firm: receipts wholesale buying prices higher: better Grade A whites 36; mixed 36; mediums 34: standards 35: dirties 33. 32: current receipts 34. NEW FORK SUGAR NEW YORK. MAy 23 sugar futures No World sugar futures High Lot Close July 3 49 3 46 3.49b 3.51 3.46 3.50h Sept 49 3 49 3.496 Mar 3.43 May 42 3.446 July 144 3.44n RAT spot 8.30m. 8-Nominal, b-bid.

Died Sales in Low (Close NICh Sherman Pd 03p Siboney Carib 9-16 Signal ON A .80 Simca 618. Simp Pat Simpsons 213 Singer MI 2.20 Skiatron Slick Air Sonotone .28 Sos Mfg 40 SoPennOil 2a 36 SCE 4 78pf1.19 South Roy 3b 66 653 66 Sperry Rand wt Std Dred Std Finan 40 30 Std Forg 1a Std oil Ky 40e 55 55 Std Prod 20 10 10 10 Std Shrs. 10 19 19 St Tube 40 Stanrock Ur 2 9-16 Statham In Sterl Prec Stetson 183 Stinnes 33 Stone Cont. 80b Stylon Cp Sunrises Sup Tool Sunset Int Sym Wayne wt Tampa El 1.20 Technico Tel-A -Sign Texam Oil 20 21 Tex Calgary 139 9-16 9-16 9-16 ThewShov 20 20 20 Thiokol 3 17 Thomp Star Tilo RI 1.20 15 Tonop Tow Acc Trans Car A.30b Ind Trans Cub Oil A 71 13-16 Trans Lux Tri Cont wt 203 Two Guys 71 Un Can 1.60 75 86 UnAltePd 26 Unit Asb 22 Unit Cub OIl 9-16 9-16 9-16 US Alr Cond US Foil 408. 56 273 US Vitam 23 381 Unit Stores Univ Mar 1.60a 56 15 15 Univ Pd 1.60 139 Utah Id 40 Victoreen In Vinco Cp Wallace 1.40b Waltham Prec Webb Knapp 56 Webster Inv 73 18 White Int Wichit OIl Wms MeW 50 123 Wilson Br 14 Woodley Pet.

3 Final total stock sales today 870,000 shares. Total stock sales year ago 1.009.965 shares. Approximate final total bond sales. $90.000. Total bond sales year AgO $36.000.

Wright 39 13 Tobaccos Steady As Market Rises Key Stocks Gain From Fractions To A Point NEW YORK, May (AP) (Tobaccos steadied in a slightly higher stock market Friday. Trading was fairly active. Key stocks rose from fractions to a point. Most changes were quite narrow. A number of al issues were unchanged.

Turnover was 2,570,000 shares compared with 2,950,000 Thursday. Utilities edged to a new 1958 -1-16 high on average. Coppers, some oils, airlines and motion pictures did well. Steels, taking a rest after their recent advances, showed slight change. The tobacco shares rebounded partially from their sharp setback of Thursday when they reacted to a statement by a tobacco marketing official who predicted a new health scare, A -1-16 denial of the statement by a Government scientist who is preparing a three-year report on the causes of death among war veterans helped the tobacco stocks.

Lorillard again was the most active stock on 40,000 shares, but gained instead of losing two points as it did Thursday, closing at 3-16 American Stock Exchange prices were irregular, Volume was 870,000 shares compared with 810.000 Thursday. Gainers included Crowell-Collier, 0'Okiep 3 Copper and U. S. Foil Among losers were Arkansas Fuel Oil, Pacific Petroleum and Mesabi Iron. BANK.

TRUST AND INSURANCE STOCKS NEW YORK. May AP National; Association Securities Dealers. Bank And Trust Bid Asked Bk Am NT SA 1.80 Bk of NY 14a 302 314 Bankers Tr 3 691 Chase Manh 2.40 50 Chem Corn Bk 2.30 40 Cont III Chi 4 89 991 Empire Tr 3b 162 171 Fst Nat Bos 2.80a Fst Nat. Chi 8 360 370 Fst Nat City 3 Frank Nat NY 1.40 Guaranty Tr 3.20% 78 Hanover Bk 2b Irving Tr 1.60b 323 Kings Cty Tr 4 8314 881 Manuf Tr 2 Morgan, JP 106 273 284 791 Trust 3.20 Insurance Aetna Cas 2.40 130 140 Aetna Ins 2.60 641 6734 Aetna Life 2.40a 183 191 Agricultural 1.60 Am Equit 1.90 Am Fid Cas 18 do pl 20 22 Am Heritage Am Home Assur 1.40 321 Am Ins NJ 1.30 Am Mercury Am Re-Ins 1a 3134 Am Surety 90 161 Conn Gen 2 Column Life 71 733 Bank Ship 2.40 463 501 Bank Life 21 Benef Std 40 Boston Ins 1.80 Camden Fire 1.20 291, 3134 Cont Assur 1a 127 133 Contin Cas 79 8216 Crum For 2 531 583. Eagle Fire 33 Employ Gr 2.40 591 63 Employ Rein 1.20a 34 377.

Federal Ins 41 4314 Fid Dep 9012 Firem Fd SF 1.80 493, 523 Franklin Life 691 Gen Reinsur 2 541, 58 Glens Falls 293 313, Globe Rep Gt Am Ins 3414 361. Gulf Life Ins 23 Hanover Fire Hartf'd Fire 130 137 Home Ins Ins Co A 103 107 Jeff Std Life 18 Jer. Ins. NY 1.54 00 Lawyers Title 60 Liberty Life 30 Lite Cos 1311 Life Ins Va 2.406 03 99 Lincoln Nat 1.40a 191 198 Maryland Can Mass Bond 1.60 333 Mass Indem .80 41 4514 Merch Fire As 2 581 Mer Mt. NY 65 11 12 Monarch Life 33 3614 Monumen Life 1,40 85 903, Nat Fire 1.60 70 8314 Nat Un Fire 2 Nationwd A 165 New Am Cas 1.90 New Hamp 2 29 Fire 291.

North River 1.40 321. 345 Northeast Ins 914 Northern Ins 2.80 80 Life 65 Nwstn Pac Indem 2.80 Pac Insur 2.40 4534 10 Peerless 2514 Phila Life 5614 Phoenix 3 643 Re Prov- Wash 1914 14 Rein Cor NY 2.20 Relian Ins RAp Ins Tex 1.60 st Paul 1 20h 45 48 Seabd Sur 63 6716 60 041.0 Security Ins 4714 5034 Springid Sta Accid 2 4454 5: Title Guar Travelers 1a 1414 Fid 563 Fire 2614 Life 345, Westchest 1.20 281 303, Also extra or extras. -Plus stock dividend. -Declared or paid 10. far this year, -Paid last rear.

-Declared or paid after stock dividend or split- up. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW closing and net chance of the fifteen most active stocks today Lorillard 40.100 Am Bosch 38 800 Param Piet 30.300 Steel 26.300 531. Beth Steel 26.260 Alumin Ltd 23 600 Tex Gulf Sul 23 500 Curtis Wright 23.100 Shell Transp 22.800 Am Motors 21.600 21.500 Royal Dutch 441 20 Ann Unch Gen Motors Philip More 20.300 Ford Motor 19.900 Teen Cent For 19.000 CRAWLEY-AL John Gaston Hospital MAy 20. 1958 At 7:45 a.m. EARNEST CRAWLEY: beloved husband of Mrs.

Nealle Crawley: father of Walter Crawley of Detroit. Michigan; brother of Rev. and Mrs, L. 0. Bryant of Abbeville, Ala, Mr.

and Mrs. Albert L. Crawford of Chicago, Ill uncle of Eddie Crawley of Detrolt, Michigan; Miss Ruth M. Bryant of Abbeville, Ala: brother-In-law of Rev, And George L. Long of Hoganville, G1.

Three grandchildren and a host of other relatives mourn his 1055. Body in state at the funeral home this Saturday, May 24. 1958, from p.m, to Jones. Mr. and Mrg.

Robert Roberts of Memphis. Mrs. Evelyn Taylor of Detroit: grandfather of Miss Dorothy Gibbs. Patricia and Joan Marie Jones: great-grandfather of Kennedy Eugene stepfather of Mr. and Mrs.

Lemmle Isabel Jr. nephew of Mrs. "Everlina Taylor, Mrs. Maggle Hayman, all of Memphis; brotherin-law of Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Turner Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Louts Dawkins, Ada Alexander, all of Memphis, Mrs. Ethel Morgan of Portageville, Mo. Other relatives and friends survive.

Body in state at Southern, Saturday 1958 from 6 to 10, Service at Thomas Baptist Church, 377 Butler, Sunday. May 25 nt 1:00 p.m.. Rev. Ed Johnson officiating. Interment tn Mt.

CarSouthern Funeral Home. Phone 7-7311 JIMESON-At her residence. 338 w. Fields May 22, 1958. MRS.

PEARLJIMESON. Mother of Mrs. Pearice Williams, sister of Mr. and Mrs. A.

Mr. and Mrs. Cedell Kilgore; mother of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morris Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Smith, eight grandchildren: mother-in-law of Mr. sister-in-law Dewitt Williams. and Mr. Robert Hill: MIR.

Beatrice Davis, five sisters-in-law two brothers-in-law. Other relatives friends survive. May 24, 1958, In our chapel from 6 p.m. Remains, will lie in state this Saturday, 10 p.m. Funeral Sunday.

May 1958. at Spring Lake Baptist Church, Southland. at 1 p.m. Rev, Hammonds will officiate. Interment in church cemetery.

Williams Funeral Home, 231 W. WHitehall 6-3205. PORTER--At John Gaston Hospital, May 1958. at 9:50 8. MRS.

HATTIE LEE PORTER. Body 10 state at Saturday, May 24, from 6 to 10. Service at Hickory Hill Baptist Church, Winchester Pike, May 25, At p.m.. Rev, A. Crutcher and Rev.

B. L. Rodgers officiatInterment in church cemetery, Honorary pallbearers -Mesdames Ruthrie Mae Hamilton, Margie Guy, Ruble Stevens and Florine Thomas. Southern Funeral Home. phone JA 7-7311.

PAYNE-At John Gaston Hospital, May 1958, MR. CHAM PAYNE. He leaves seven children, three sisters. two brothers. one uncle.

one aunt. A host of cousins, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends survive. Funeral service will be held at St. Paul M. B.

Church. Cuba, May 25. 2:30 p.m.. with the pastor. Rev.

Roberson and Rev. H. Harvey officiating. Interment in church cemetery, Hollywood Service. Phone GL.

2-9340. PUGH-AL. residence, 3430 E. 121st Cleveland, Ohio. Wednesday, May 21, 1958.

7:40 p.m. REV. Annie W. JAMES Pugh: H. 13 PUGH: children: HuSband of Mrs.

grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends survive. Puneral services Monday. May 26, at p.m. at Providence Baptist Church. Cleveland.

Ohto. Burial In Cleveland. For formation. call T. H.

Hayes Sons. 5-3518. ROBINSON-Suddeniy in this city May 1958, MR. ROOSEVELT ROBINSON, Beloved husband of Mrs. Joste Robinson; father of Wanda Faye Robinson, Mrs.

Mae Robinson Davis: brother of Mr. Ben. Robinson, Mr. David Gaulmon of this city, Mr. Zola Robinson of Chicago, Utell Robinson of Coldwater, Mrs.

Jessie Matthews of Memphis. leaves two aunts. two uncles and seven grandchildren; son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benson, Mr.

Richard Davis; sisterin-law of Mrs. Freddie Gaulmon, Mrs. Hattie Robinson: brother-in-law of Mr. Buddy Matthews. He leaves 2 host of nieces.

nephews, cousins, and other relatives friends survive. Due notice. Victory Funeral Home. FA 3-2636. SCOTT---Remains of the late MRS.

BEATRICE SCOTT, will be at the Tree of Baptist Church this Saturday, May 24, from 7 to 10 p.m. Funeral Sunday at 1 p.m. from above named church. Officiated by W. B.

Seott Interment in New Park Cemetery, J. O. Patterson Funeral Home. Chelsea Avenue. Phone BR 8-7628.

SLAUGHTER- The remains of MRS, ROSA SLAUGHTER will lie in state Zion Hill M. B. Church. 683 South Fourth Street. Saturday, May 24, from 6 to 10 Funeral services Sunday.

May 24, at p.m. at New Baptist Church. Tunica, at Walnut Lake, Rev. G. Brown clating.

SMITH--At Collins Chapel Hospital, Tuesday, May 1958. at 1:50 a.m.. F. SMITH: sister. of Mrs.

Bertha Taylor, 984 Latham Street. Memphis, Mrs. Mayme Hooks, Mrs. Cordia Hastings Tulsa and Mr. Albert Franklin of Jackson.

Mich. Aunt of Mr. and Osla Lewis; cousin of Mrs. Irene Amos Memphis; other relatives and friends survive, Body in state at Southern. Saturday, May 24.

from 6 to 8. Service at 8 Rev. Charles Patterson and Rev. A Andrews officiating. Interment in Sunday.

May 25, at 10 a.m Southern neral Home, phone JA. 7-7311. SHAW Funeral service of REV. LONNIE SHAW. leaves son and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his passing Funeral Sunday, May 25.

at 2 p.m. Digerson Church. Lofties Funeral in charge. TA In Cleveland. Ohio, May 1958.

MRS. MATTIE LOU TAYLOR, mothet of Mr. Lutelous Taylor of Memphis, Aquila Cole and Mr. Louis Taylor, both Cleveland: she leaves nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; other tives And friends survive Body in state at Southern. Saturday, May 24, from 6 to 10.

Service at Chapel Baptist Church, Braden, Sunday. May 25, at 11 a.m. Rev. Robert Williams officiating. Interment in Braden, Tenn.

Southern Funeral Home, phone JA 7-7311. WATSON-At the residence of his 6221 Dorchester Chicago, IlL. 23, 1958. MR. OWENS WATSON; father of Mr.

and Mrs. James Watson of cago, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Ward, Mrs. Mattie Shelley, of this city; brotherin-law of Messrs.

Jim and John Vann. Mesdames Ella and Lee Vann. He leaves to mourn their 1083. nine grandchildren, 21 and host of nieces, nephews and other relatives. Due notice, United Funeral Service.

Memphis, Tenn. BR 5-1506. rangement. Stewart, manager. WILSON-AL John Gaston Hospital, 22.

1958. CHARLES WILSON: husband Mrs. Beatrice Wilson; father of Edward and Charles Sidney Wilson: son Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson: grandson Mrs.

Milteldia Snerley and Mrs. Laura Wilson, He leaves seven brothers three sisters and other relatives friends. Due notice. Arrangements by R. Lewis Sons.

JA 6-3264. o'clock. Funeral services Snday, May at 12:00 noon at the funeral home. Officiated by Rev. Sam W.

Houston and Rev. J. Haywood, Interment in Plunket gl Chapel Home. 1382 Cemetery, Florida St. H.

Phone Snow WH 6-9726. Funeral DANNER- The remains of the late MRS. ALICE JOINER DANNER who passed May 1958. will be in our chapel this Saturday from 6 to 10 p.m. for wake.

Funeral services. Sunday, May, 25, at p.m. at Harris Memorial M. Church, Rev, W. officiating.

Interment In New Park Cemetery, Arrangements by R. S. Lewis JA 6-3264. HAMILTON- At 816. Harrahan May 14.

MRS. MACY HAMILTON. She leaves four daughters, two sons. one grandson. Daughter of Mrs.

H. Townsel. She leaves five brothers. one sister and other relatives and friends. The remains will lie In state at Ford and Sons Funeral Parlor at 219 Ave, this Saturday after p.m.

Joubert Sunday at 2 from the parRev. Bill Allsworth will officiate. lor Interment in New Hope Cemetery, Presldents Island. HOOF- From her late residence. Nesbitt.

Miss, May 20, 1958. MRS. MARRIAH age 83. Mother of Miss Margaret HOOF, Mr. Sam Hoof; grandmother of Hoof and 12 and great -grandmother of 39 children.

Sister of Mr. Jim and Tip Tate: 10 nieces and nephews, Mother-In-law of Mrs. A1- berta Hoof. A host of other dear relatives and friends survive. She Was faithful member of Court No.

164, Wake this Saturday night from the burton M. B. Nesbitt, May 24, 1958. Funeral from said church Sunday, May 25, 1958. at 12 noon with Rev.

C. G. officiating. Interment In church cemetery. courts of the Herion of Hughey Jericho are invited.

Broadle Funeral Home, 1060 Kerr phone WE 8-5047. JONES--AL the residence. 399 Linden Rear, May 20. 1958 at 5:15 p.m.. MR.

JOE PATE JONES: husband of Mrs. Minnie Pate Jones; father of Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. -1-16 -1-16 1-16 3-16 1-16 1-16 25, S.

Y. 1958 H. 1 in- He and Life 1958 the Rev. 2204 at p.m. offi- MRS.

Mrs. of Died p.m.. E. Zion. Fu- at Home 16.

Mrs. of rela- son. May Chiand also ArW. May of James of and and LEGAL NOTICES BIDS FOR PILE DIKE WORK--U. Army Engineer District, Memphis, P.

O. 97, Memphis 1. Tenn. Sealed bids will received At this office until 1:30 P.M.. C.S.T..

19 June 1958. and then publicly opened, for construction of approximately 5600 linear feet of pile dikes at Point. Arkansas (Mile 745 AHP). Informaton on request. Bids for Construction Work S.

Engineer District, Vicksburg, P. 0 Box Vicksburg, Mississippi, Sealed bids will received here until 11:00 A M. C.S.T.. 17 June 1958. and then opened for struction of Asphalt Upper Bank of Mississippi Paving several localities on Banks River.

Further information on application. Bids for Construction Work -U. S. Engineer District. Vicksburg, P.

O. Box Vicksburg. Mississippi. Sealed A.M. bids will C.S.T..

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The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.