The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

is Oil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1962 PAGE C.9Y American Stock (As of 3 P.M. NEW YORK a comlist of stock and bond transactions today on the American Stock Exchange with 3:00 p.m. prices: Sales Net High Low Last Acme Hamil Acme Mis Acme AdmirPlast Aero Flow. Aerojet Aeronce Mfg Aerosol Tech Aid Invest Airport A .305 1.40 Alan Wood Alaska Airl 500 AllSta Prop AllerCp wt Allied Art Allied Art Allied Pap Alloys Unl Alsco Ambass Oil Am Bever Book 1.80a Electron Am Int. A Am MARC Am PetrolA Am Seal Am Thrd pf.25 Anacon Ld AngAm Expl AngLau A Ang Wupp 1.30a 10 Anken Ch Ansul Chem .80 Apollo Ind AppPw pt 4.50 ArkLa Gas Arnold Alt Arn Alt pl Arrow El Asamera 83 1 1-16 15-16 Assd FdStrs Assd Laund Assd Assd Stat .52 Assd Test Lab Atco Chem AtiCstL Co 2.40a 55 55 55 Atl Research 301 Atlas Min Atlas Cp wt Atlas Gen 17 Audio Dev Aurora Pla Auto Rad Auto Sti Pd .20 Avis Ind Bailey Sel 18 9 11-16 9 Baker Ind 250 Bald Mont Bald Mont Sec Banff Oil 15 1 7-16 13 Banner Ind Bar Chris 10 Barg Town 13 Barnes Eng 35 Barry Wr .50 Baruch Fost Bayview Oil Bearings .20 20 Beck Shoe .60 20 20 Bell Tel Can 2.20 Belock Inst 8 8 8 Benrus 30 27 Berkey Photo Bickids 1a 2400 Berksh Fr .30 15 Birdsboro 28 Blauners 234 Bloom Bldg 9 Bohack 2 22 37 Bolsa Chica Borne Chem Bowl Cp Brad Foote Braz Trac .25 32 Breeze Cp 46 Bridpt 1.68 225 Britalta Pet Br Am Oil Br.

Col Pw 18.70y 10 Pet 72 5 5-16 5 3-16 5 Brooks Inst 8 8 8 Brown Co 24 15 15 BrownForA 26 26 26 BrownForB Bruce, EL 11 BSF Co Budg pf .60 10 10 10 Buell Die 76 31 3 Bunk Hill Burma 3-16 BVD 176 16 Butlers Sh Cabol Ent .50 34 Cal EIPw .84 10 Camd In 1.20 250 Campb Chib 46 6 6 Can So Pet 176 4 1-16 3 9-16 4 Cdn Hmstd 52 Cdn Husky 2 7 Cdn Ind Gas 2 9 7-16 9 5-16 9 5-16 Cdn Javelin 10 12. 12 Cdn Marc 11 Cdn Petrof pf Cdn Will 9-16 9-16 Canav Int 160 23 Cap Bdcst 1912 Carnation 1.50a 2 Carreras .01 13-16 13-16 13-16. Catalin Cen Hadley Cen Secur 3.15e Cen Sec pf1.50 z160 42 42 42 Sec pfB 1.40 225 32 32 32 Century Geo Cherry Bur .40 12 12 Chesebrou 8 57. Christiana Oil 13 Chromalloy 1.12f 18 18 18 Circuit Foil 33 33 Cinerama 12 18 18 Exchange THE BOND MARKET EST, 2 P.M. CSTI (As of 3 P.M.

EST. 2 P.M. CSTI Sales High Low Che. Net piete NEW YORK of bond TAP is today de Sales $1.000) High Last New York Stock Exchange, 3:00 3 Sales Net NAFI cv514880 (in $1,000) High Low Last Che. Man Pow CORPORATION BONDS 312572 92 9115 Mig AlliedCh 313578 Cen 103 NY NY Cen Alcoa 94 Alcoa Chem 3 71: 7 13-16 AlumCan 412580 15 10 100 100 VINYNH Imp AmFP 4 80567 Tel 1612 1615 Am 14387 10734 108 4596 Plowd Tel cv: 43 106 106 for NatG 101 101 Inland Cred 1.371 3 Pac 35200 Nor Pat Int Ins Brew Am 1.80 366 362 Northrop Nor Inter Oil Firem: 80b 80 Pac 5591 8314 OlinM 11735 Irving Air Am Oil AmTob 8912 8915 Jeff Const Asb AmTob AmTob 3562 132 100 3-32 99 29-32- 211580 Jeff Pet wt 7-16 4 7-16 Armco Stl 412586 PanAmA 109 Jetronic Ind Armour 5984f 9312 9312.

PenRR 5568 Jupiter Oils 2 3-16 2 3-16- Armour cv41h583 1177- PenRR 09565 Kaiser Ind Associnv 18 100 99 29-32 100 PenRR Kaltman Atchison 4595 PenRR 4184 Katz. Kavanau Drug 96 1b Atchison 14 101 101 101 Phil El 4595st 3 45900 4:80 92 92 234 s67 Kawneer .70 1.12f AtiRef cv 51. PhilEi Kay Jwly 1312 AtiRefin Philco 1033 Kilembe Cop 40 2 15-16 2 15-16. AutoCant 5 113 113 113 PhillipsP 414 s87 120 Kinesfd 10 Balt 1 14412 Kirby Pet 147 70 697- PubSEG PubSEG 319575 102 102 102 Kirk Miner cv41252010A Klein Str 4580 66 66 66 Readg 4912. Kirk Natus 313 PubSEG 3563 Klion.

HL 1.12t 23 Rohr A. 127 127 Kratter A 1.68xd Boeing 38 122 RoyMcB 109 109. 109 6565 Kulka El A .500 BrkUnG 157 82 120 82 St StLSF 4597 73 73. Lafay Rad Brunsw 45 StLSw 1st4589 875 .50 Burrghs Lake Sh Can South 5562 ScottPap cv3s71 Lamson .60 14 14 5 100 13-32 100 13-32 100 13-32-3-32 SearsRoe Sess Can Pac 45 perp SearsRAc Lee Filt Case 15 6612 66 66 SearsRAc Lefc Real Celanese 3s 65 Seiber Rub cv5579 Lib Fab 1.12t. CentilLt 15 127 126 127 ShellOil Ltih Am CenRRNJ Sinclair 16 102 Lvings Locke Oil .70 Cer Chad dePas cv6s74xw 10 113 113 113 SoBelITT 75 SmithCor 11 133 Lockwd KB SoCalEd 2 222 222 222 SoPac Long Wit Chi ChiE I Ill 5s 2054f 10 SoPac SoPacOr 98 98 98 Louis 831 SoP SFT 5 86 86 Loral ChiGW 86 La 62 Spiegel cv5584 33 146 145 146 4s La Gas Land Sv .72 ChiNW CMSPP 55.

68 StdOCal 15 2055f Lunkhm 2 1.40a StdOInd 16 2100 ChiUnSta FN 31563 11 118 118 StdONJ 24 Lynch Macfad Cp Bart Chock 10 Sunray Oil CIT 94 SurfTran 6571 92 91 91 Mack Trk wt 25 CIT Fin 94 Magellan Pet 1269 15-16 Cities Sve 3577 TexasCo 90 90 90 Magna Oil City Prod cv5582 15 TexCorp 3565 MePSvc 1 22 22 22 Colo CCCSL 10 5 72 UnOilCal alest Sp Mansf Indus 27 Edis UnOilCal Mansf 20 95 Con Con Edis 10 5 UnTankC 5586 13 UnPac, 84 83 Martin wt Edis Cup 1.25f 35 35 35 Con Edis 2 103 103 103 UnAirL UnGasCo Maryld Massey .40 CElectro USF reight 5s 81 5 154 154 154 10 124. 124 124 McCulloch wt Nat 10 USSteel McCrory 5582 Oil Con 17 q39 USSteel 4583 47 Mead 1.80 128 128 128 27 Vendo 122 122 122 John ConsuPw Menasco Cont Vornado 5582wi 86 109 Miami Ind .60 5879 8 3 WShore 4s2361r 16 57 57 Oil Mich Mich Chem 13 Copw Coll Stl cv 6 113 113 113 WestUn 105 105 Sugar Crow Wheel cV 4 97 97 97 Micro Hone 113- Daystrom 8 Microwave Deere 27 FOREIGN BOND MidOil pf z150 Del Hud 4563 3 99 00 99 Austral 5 Mid. Ab .70 14 14 Doug Airc 5578 6 96 96 96 Austral 20 Midwn Fin 25 25 24 25 Doug Airc cv4s77 51 82 Austral 12 100 Mill Wohl 65. EastSStl cV 5573 10 107 107 107 Austral 19 100 100 Milo Elect Erie 5s 2020f Austral 5572 5 104 104 104 Mirro Al 1.20 Austral 5578 Mohawk Molybden Airl 50f 28 6 FlaEC FoodFair cv4s79 10 Belgium 8 103 103 13 43 43 43 Belgium 28 1 Molybden wt 14 14 GAmOil Braz st 76 76 76 Monog Prec 4 Chile 3593 42 1 Mont WdA 7 220 149 149 149 GMotAcc Colom 3570 Moody In pf 3 250 GMotAcc 25 101 CredFon 105 105 105 Morse Pd GMotAcc 50 Cuba 10 Mt Clem 10 GMotAcc 4579 33 95 Czecho st6s60xf 37 37 37 MtStTT .90 34 34 GMotAcc 17 91 91 Denmark 10 103 103 103 Movielab A .406 12 12 12 GMotAcc 32 Germany 5580 8 4 Movie Star 73 GenMotCp Germany MPO Vid A .40 GenTime HighAuth 179 Muntz TV Goodrich 31 HighAuth 5578 12 Murray Oh 2 Grace 50 170 115 Ital Jamaica Rep 3s77 90 90 90 MuskPRing .40 GrandUn 31 115 115 Muter Co GtNoRy $2000 2 JapDevBk 6576 40 Namm Loes GtWFin cv5s74 240 240 240 10 Japan 103 103 103 Napco Ind 552056f 21 10 Japan Japan 61 Nat Nast A HaloidX 165 165 Natl Alf Deh 9 9 HuntFd 41 121 120 121 KLM cv 12 Natl Bell .35 27 IntHarvCr 5 Minas NewZeal 3 8 50 103 50 50 National z300 31 11 11 31 11 InterDS 94 155 152 153 Nippon TT 6576 Natl Casket 1 IntSilv cv5581 19 129 129 Ea Co KanCSou 78 78 78 Norway 5 100 100 100 Nat Nat Pet Rent 59 59 59 Norway 10 104 3 3-16. 23 58 Norway 4563 Nat Research 25 25 20 25 Leh LehVal Val 4sA2003 45 45 45 Oslo 8 Nat 20 20 Leh Val 4sD2003 5 Poland 9 9 9 Nat Stl Car z375 Telefilm LibMcN cv5s76 55 120 Poland Nat Nat Un Elec 3 3 3 Lionel 16 102 102 102 Rio del 57 57 57 Video A .50 14 27 207 207 So.

Italy Nedicks 20 12 3563 Tokyo EL 6563st 12 101 101 Lockhd Nelly Don .72 Mack Lorillard 3 UnSoAf 8 Nest LeM .20 22. 17 17 MacyCred Trk 14 UnSoAf 414565 NH Clock aj 100 87 87 87 Nidria 38 15-16 42 Urug cv4 5-16578 94 94 94 -4 McCall 2 NJ Zinc .50 17 McCrory New Pk Mng MerrCh 17 SALES 2200 40 40 6585 3 Approx 2 p.m. total $3.940.000 Nickel Rim 7-16 7-16 Previous day $4,500.000 Nipsing Mn 21 MKT 15 Week ago closed Noma Lts Mo KanT 4c90 61 61 Month ago $7.051.000 No Penn RR 4 210 MoPac 61 51002 Jan. 1 to date $238.352.000 Noramco MoPac 5s2045f 39 Year AgO $8,761.000 No Can Oils 20 2 1-16 2 MoPac 13 Two years ago $6.505.000 No Rankin 25 7-16 12 75 1961 to date $299.245.600 Noeast Airl 4 MoPac 76 1960 to date 251.372.500 No In PS pf4.25 z10 Novo Indus 3 CKP Dev 59 Nuclear Am 44 Clark Cbl .28 Oak Mfg 193. Clark Con 11 Occident Pet 19 Clarostat Ogden Cp 12.62f Clary Cp Oh Brass 1.60xd 28 Clauss Hos .65 250 Oh Pw pf 4.50 z20 Cletrac 34 15 15 Old Town 250 Clopay Cp.

.10 6 5 O'okiep Opelika 1.40€ Coast Oils 89 15-16 O'Sullivan Cohu Elect 8 6 6 6 Colonial Cp 23 Oxf PGE Mfg pf 1.37 Al 30 29 Sd 29 29 Commun Dis 3 3 PGE rd rdpfA pf 1.25 Coml Met PGE 1.25 Compo Sh .40 9 PGE 4.36pf 1.09 Compu Dyne Pac Indus Con Diesel 2 6 PacNorAirl Con Mng PacNwTel .88 33 Con New Pac 13-16 Pac Pet Ltd 30 Con 5 Pac Pet wt Con Sun Ray 16 PaddingA Con Royal .50 12 11. 11 11 Packers Sup Cont Coml .20 Page Her .90 Cont Mater 29 Pancst Pet Cont Vend 2f 14 Pantep Oil 5 11-16 11-16 Cooper Jar Prk5g Aet 9 pf 1 Patino Can Cott Bev Penin Met Cott NE 25 Pentron EI Courtaulds Pepperell 3a Crane Carr PepsiBotLI. 40b 11 11 11 Creole Pet 2.60a 42 42 Perfect Photo Crown Alum Permian 14 23 CrownCPet 24 1 7p16 1 Crown Drug Philips El 35 Cuban Tob z20 24 Phillips Eck 10 Cubic Cp Phillips Sc 58 Cutter A .02 27 14 15 14 14 Phoenix Piasecki Stl 11 Airc DaitchCD 31 Pierce Ind Daryl Ind .36 5 5 Pioneer PI .60 NOr viDavega viDavega pf Str z100 Pit Plast Rwys Mat .30 9 9 9 Davidson 5 9 Polarad El 20 9 Day Mine 5 3-16 Polycast Cp 16 11 103- Dayco A 2 z220 Prairie Oil 3 2 1-16 2 1-16 2 Dejay Str 12 Pren Hall 3 DenMigA 1 24 Pres Real 2 Desilu 4 PrestonMin 1g 9 5 11-16 5 11-16- Det Ind Pd 2 Silex Devon Oils 18 9-16 Progres Mf Dilberts 5 5 5 Co Dilberts pf PuerRicTel 1.80 26 Dixilyn A 35 1 Dixon Ch Res Purit Spt .40 Dome Pet Pyle Nat .50 17 Dom Tar .80 19 19 Lith 4 167. Dorr Oliv .40 Quebec -1-16 Dodsey Rapid Ramo Am .50 10 35 35 35 Inc Draper 30 41 Rayette 16 19. 19 Dunlop 17 17 Real Inv .25 17 15 Real Prop .90 Dynam Dynalect Am 21 Realty Eq 15 15 Eastn Can A Reeves Brd 16 Eastn Frt Reeves Snd Edo Corp 1.12t 19 19 19 Reinsur Inv 42 Elder Min 1 9-16 1 9.16 1 9-16.

Relian Ins 2.40 250 Electrogra 1 Rem Arms Ind 43 Elect Assist 2 11 11 11 Repub Elect Comm 15 Rep Tranwind CO Elect Res A Resistoflex .40 Electron Sp Restaur As 123- Electronics 75g 758- 1 Rio Algom 1.50g 9 3-16 El-Tron Robin Tech .40 Emenee Cp 14 Roch pfF 4 220 85 85 Equity Cp 18 Rodney Met Erie Forge 11 Rollins Rogers Cp Brd 21 21 21 Erie For 6 pf 11 11 Espey Mfg Va Roosevelt Esq Esquire Ross Prod 13 Roose Rac .10 Exquis Form Rowld Pd .24 22 22 22 Fabrex Cp Roxbury .40 Fairmt Royal Am 1t Falcon Sbd Roy School 14. Fan Farm Royalite 16 14 Faraday 15 1 9-16 Rusco Ind 16 Fargo Oils 31 3 11-16 Ruuss Ave 18 3 3 Felmt Pet 15 RyanCPet Filmways 13 7 Salem Bro Finan Gen 10 SDiego G. pf1.12 23 23 23 Fst Real 6 6 Savoy Ind FstNRI pf.60 1 Saxon Pap FstNReal wt Firth Sterl 12 Screen Gems Scurry Al Rain 109 7 Fishman .70 15 15 15 Sbd Mill .30 Fly Tiger Sbd Ply Fotochrome Sbd Air 54 Fresnillo Seaporcel 1.80 38 Seeburg Cp 18 Garan Inc 15 Seeman Bro 27 Gen Build 4 .80 Gen Devel 24 Serrick GFirepfg 5 Servo Cp GenGasCp 34 Servomech GenPlywd 6 Shaw Wat .80 22 Gen Strs 10 13 Sherw Wm 3 3 109 109 'Genungs .70 Sher Can 275 GaPw pf4.60 z25 Shoe Cp Am Giannini Con 3 28 28 28 Siboney Carib 9-16 9-16 9-16. Giant. Yel .50 25 9 7-16 9 3-16 9 7-16 3-16 SignalOil A 46 29 Gilbert 15.

15 15 Silicon Tran 6 Glass-Tite SilvCrk Prec Globe Sec 287 Silv Miller 7-16 Globe Un 1.20 11 Simca Auto Gloray Kn .40 12 15 Simpsons .80 Gobel 2 SlickAir Goldfield 23 Sonotone .28 GoodMf Soss Mfg Gord JlyA ..50 So Coast Gorham Cp 29 29 29 SoPennOH 2 Grd Rap SCE orgpf.96 250 Gray Mfg SCE 4.78 pf1.19 GtAmind 112 SCE 4.32pf 1.08 Gt. Basins 43 1 SoCalPet 21 21 GtLakBowl SoMater .60 GtLakChem 45. SoPipeL 8 GtWProd .10 So Greer Hyd SpeedOPrt Grid Freeh Speedry A .40 Grow Cp 10 Spen Shoe 6.62f 23. 23 Guerdon A 53 Sperry wt Guerdon wt 13-16 13-16 1-16 Sports Ar 10 Guf GulfAm 1AmLd Idwi 413- 34 StDred Bd Paint pf1.60 231- Str 29 29 Gulf 1.251 Va Std Metals Gulton Ind Std Shrs 31 31 31 Am 16 Std Thom Hamil Electro St Tube ,10 Harbor Ply .40 38 38 viStanrock. Ur 62 1 15-16 1 38 Stanley Av 12 Harnisch 10 Hartfid St Star Ind 10 Harv Hartf El Str 3 Steel Can Cp 2.40 2275 Starrett.

Hastings Steel Stelma Parts ..50 Bish Stepan Chem 26 HavLitho 7-16 7-16 7-16 Hazel Nat Sterl AlPd Hebrew HeclaM .50 Va Sterl Prec 21 Heinicke Stinnes 39 39 39 Helena Coll 1,30 41. 40 Struth Wells 41 Stone Con .80 Heli .60 104 104 104 Styion Cp .25 Heller pt 5.50 230 Sunair El Heller 4 pl 260 Sunset Intl 80 80 Sup Tool Here Gal 16. Sym Way wt Higbie .80 18 Syntex Cp 107 Highway Tr Talon A 33 Sup A wt 44b 12 Talon 33 33 33 Hilton Hot Tampa El ,80 Hoe Co Taylor Int 10 Hoe Co Tech Mater 18 Hoffm Intl Technical 128 .60 Hofm Ind Hollinger a Teleprom Holly corp Teleregist Holly Str Telev Ind 25 Home Oil A .25 Eng 6 6 Home oil Bk 180 1821 Term Hud .24 12 14 Tenney 7 2110 ASTRONAUT AND SON-John H. Glenn (left) is shown with his son David, 16, in their Arlington, home, yesterday, listening to a tape recording of Glenn's orbital flight. David is holding a neighbor's dog.

-United Press International Telephoto Alderman Bill Bars Negroes PARKING -United Press! International Telephoto MILES OF TICKERTAPE and confetti shower the astronaut parade as it moves from Broadway to downtown New York. Patients Soon For St. Jude First Ones in Two Weeks, Maybe Patients will start arriving at the new St. Jude Hospital in about two weeks, Dr. Donald Pinkel, administrator, told East Memphis Exchange Club today at Colonial Country Club.

Dr. Pinkel said the first patients will be leukemia victims children with other forms cancer, "We will accept patients they have a disease we are currently studying, if their own community cannot handle them and we can do something for them," he said. Dr. Pinkel explained that the bulk of the hospital's work would be in research. He said requests have come from all over the country enter children at St.

Jude. W. W. (Bill) Scott, Memphis banker influential in the Jude fund campaign, told audience that the new hospital is a great industry in addition to its philanthropic aspects. It is a $4 million plant, said, and operates on a $1 million budget.

Plea for More Teacher Pay Optimists Get a Closeup View of 'Girlie' Photos Postmaster Uses Pictures to Illustrate Talk on How Smut in Mails Is Battled In the sedate Georgian Room of Hotel Peabody members of the downtown Optimist Club crowded around the speaker's table and eyed pictures of scantily-clad girls. But it was strictly legit. really "props," used to illus-1 trate Postmaster A. L. Moreland's talk on obscene literature and pictures sent thru the mails.

Call It 'Vicious' Moreland said, "This thing in Memphis is vicious. Our postal inspectors work directly with Inspector Huston's vice squad and we're constantly on the lookout for p*rnographic literature. It's serious here. With the help of local police we're making progress, tho. We've had more than 100 of one weeks go thru the mails." picture in the last two Moreland said many parents were embarrassed to report that their son or daughter had received p*rnographic literature or photos in the mail.

"What they should do is call us mediately. Leave the envelope intact with the name on it because we can't do anything about it unless we have the name. Everybody realizes that these things are unsolicited and Sales (bds.) High Low Last Chg. Terry Ind 13 Oil 12 Texstar Textron El 407 1-16 1 Text Inc wt 3 Thomp Star 5 3 3 Thew Shov .20 20 20 Thom St pf .87 Thrifti A 1.20b 31 31 31 Tol Ed pl 4.25 z100 90. 90 90 Todd Shp 1.40 24 Tow Acc 24 viTrans Cuba 5-32 5-32 Trans Lux TWA wt Trav-Ler Tri Cont wt True Tem 1.20 11 Unexcell Ch 19 16.

Un Airc Pd Unit Asb 25 5 3-16 5 1-16 Un Can 38 17-16 U- Elas 1.80 Un Un Am 1955 wt Un Am 1962 wt 43 Univ Oil 2.60 23 Un Contain .30 Un Univ Control Insur 8 32 32 Univ Mar Utah Id .40 Valspart .50 Venture Cap Vict Paint 9 9 Victoreen Viewlex A .12 Vinco Co 85 Va Ir ..50 Vogt Mfg 12 12 12 VTR Inc Waitt Bd pf 12 12 12 Walth Prec .621 23 Webb Webb BR z10 100 100 100 Westb Fash 12 Wn Develop Wn Equit 16 Wn Nuclear 3 Weyberg Sh .60 White Int 62 Whitmoyer 17 17 17 Wms Bros 19 19 19 Williams. RC 21 Wms McW 8 Wilson Br WiscPL pf4.50 z10 1.60 750 36 36 36 WoodNM .80 7.200 183- Woodall Yonk Race Yonk Race pf.30 Zale Jwly 1xd Zapata Pet BONDS Chemoil 2 86 86 86 Cont Vend 6576 132 131 132 viDavega 6 53 FetNRI 76 76 GenDev 6575 115 Hart Str 99 Nuclear 97 97 97 Ohio Pw RapidAm 7567 Real Eg 108. 108 108 SoCalEd SoCalEd 17 R1 91 Telereg 6586 Transt 5574 23 77 77 Estimated total stock sales 1.250.000 Total stock sales a year ago 2,455,320 Estimated, total bond sales $150.000 Total bond sales a year ago $321,000 Senate 'Measure Prevents Election By United Press International JACKSON, Miss. Senate has approved a bill designed to prevent the election of negroes as city aldermen, The measure provides that aldermen be elected by city-wide votes rather than by balloting only in their wards. Senators fear that wards in a few Mississippi cities may soon have enough negro voters to swing elections.

The House gave 116-5 approval to a bill which would abolish a requirement that county executive committees distribute managerial selections among the leading candidates. This would permit committees to make selections without restrictions. Altho segregation was not mentioned in the brief discus. sion over the bill, Rep. Thompson McClellan, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, told lawmakers they were familiar with the situation.

Two negroes have announced their candidacy for congressional from Mississippi. Robert L. T. Smith Sr. of Jackson seeks the post of Rep.

John Bell Williams in the 4th District and Rev. Theodore Trammell of Clarksdale will run for the 3rd District seat of Rep. Frank Smith. Three election managers are in charge of ballot boxes in each precinct. Comedian DiesRoscoe Ates By United Press International ENCINO, Cal.

Stuttering comedian Roscoe Ates died today at West Valley Community Hospital at age of 67. Lung cancer claimed the life of the man with the rubber face who provided comedy relief in scores of movies during his heyday but lapsed into obscurity in his declining years. Riverside Drive Job Hurried Aim: Protection From River Public Works crews today were racing the rising Mississippi River to prevent a recurrence of the flooding of a section of Riverside Drive that happened during high water last year. Art Holbrook, maintenance engineer, said a sandbag wall is being built at the end of a drain leading under Riverside Drive to the river. This wall would prevent the rising river from backing up into the drain as it did last year.

(Today's flood story on Page A-7.) Uncover Biggest Ancient City By United Press International CAIRO. ---Dr. Labib Pahor, director of the Coptic Museum in Cairo, said the "biggest ancient city found SO far" had been excavated 50 miles southwest of Alexandria. Pahor said the city, called Abumena, dates from the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D, and contains houses, baths, streets, workshops and plantations spreading over 1600 acres. Senate Raises Debt Limit The "girlie" photos were are part of the 'smut' dealers mailing lists." Crackdown on Smut Moreland said since the postal (department's started crackdown in 1958 on smut prosecutions and investigations are on the increase.

"Over 14,000 investigations were made year." He said that at least million, or one out of 35, school age boys will receive p*rnographic matter thru the mails leach year. "This is a profitable business, the overhead and operating expenses are next nothing." When asked how the postal, department could set itself up a "literary Moreland said: "All we do is ban the book from the mails. Then it turned over to the courts and the courts whether it literature decide, 7 Arkansas Colleges Share IH Gift Special to The Press-Scimitar A year's gift was presented to By United Press International Gen. Heigh Cort, executive di- WASHINGTON. The rector of AFAC by Wilson Smith, nedy administration asked district manager for farm equip- gress today to break a "vicious ment and Ray England, district circle" of low pay and poor manager for motor trucks at training for American school International's new offices in teachers.

Little Rock. U. S. Education CommissionThe gift was part of $125,000 er Sterling McMurrin and which International Harvester retary Abraham A. Ribicoff of gave to state associations of 43 the Health, Education and Welstates to be shared by colleges.

fare Department testified in AFAC's member colleges support of the President's $747 which share in the gift are: Ar- million five-year program to kansas College, Batesville; Col- improve classroom instruction. lege of the Ozarks, Clarksville; McMurrin told a house educaHarding College, Hen-Ition subcommittee teacher pay drix College, Conway; John is SO low that it often does not Brown University, Siloam attract competent persons. Springs; Ouachita Baptist Col- School boards, in turn, won't Arkadelphia; and Southern increase salaries because of the Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, low quality of teaching, he said. Ark. Ribicoff said 90.000 of the 1.5 million U.

S. school teachers Demo Group to Meet cannot meet their own state reThe Press-Scimitar Correspondent quirements for teaching certiJONESBORO, Ark. Craig- ficates, and are unable to head County Democratic Cen- nance their own additional tral will meet Fri- training. LITTLE ROCK, Foundation of Associated Colleges has just received from International Harvester Foundation. This is the seventh year Harvester has supported this program in Arkansas.

This day, at Craighead County Courthouse here, Chairman Charles Frierson nounced. Ballot for the summer Democratic primaries will be set at this meeting, and other matters relating to the election will be considered. 44 Below to 90 Above By United Press International NEW YORK. The lowest temperature reported to the U. S.

Weather Bureau this morning was 44 below zero at Bemidji, Minn. The high yesterday was 90 at Ocala, Fla. Tho Attacks Made On 'Big Spending' By United Press International WASHINGTON. The Senate voted today to increase the na-, tional debt limit by $2 billion despite attacks on government "big spending." The stopgap bill, already approved by House, rarily hikes the legal debt limit to a peacetime record high of $300 billion. Administration leaders said it was urgently needed to meet current bills.

Sen. Byrd Va.) led the attack on government fiscal policies. He noted that there have been 24 federal deficits in the past 30 years. He said the $2 billion hike in the legal debt limit was evidence of a "dangerous deterioration in the government's basic fiscal condition." The temporary increase would be effective until June 30. President Kennedy already has requested an additional $8 billion increase for the next fiscal year starting July 1.

IH Executives Visit Memphis Plant Several key executives of International Harvester's main office in Chicago visited the Memphis IH plant today for a meeting of the company's Manufacturing Research Council. Dan Chimenti, director of manufacturing, conducted the meeting which covered such topics as quality standards, materials, costs, safety and industrial hygiene. Mayor Loeb greeted the offiIcials at a luncheon. We take pleasure in announcing DAVID GRAHAM formerly Financial Vice President and Standard Oil Company (Indiana) has been admitted as a GENERAL PARTNER He will be Chairman of our Finance Department, resident in New HORNBLOWER Members New York Stock Exchange and other Principal Commerce Title Building, Memphis March 1, 1962 Dffices HW EST. 1888 Cardinal Spellman Praised by Cushing By Associated Press NEW Richard Cardinal Cushing, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, calls Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, "the greatest American churchman of this century." Cardinal Spellman, he says in an article in America, a Jesuit weekly, "has been the outstanding religious figure in the Catholic Church in America in this generation." There have been reports of differences between the two men.

It was reported that Cardinal Spellman opposed the election of President Kennedy while Cardinal Cushing supported Kennedy. Cardinal Spellman has pressed strongly for feedral aid to parochial schools, while Cardinal Cushing has not done so. Firefighter Suffers Chemical Burns The Press-Scimitar COLUMBUS. Capt. severe of black closet blaze.

over face A tal said second and will days. that Director, Corporate York. WEEKS Stock Exchanges JA 7.4575 Correspondent Miss. Fire Gene Waldrop received burns when a large can paint tumbled from a shelf at a boarding house Waldrop was splashed and hands. physician at Doster HospiWaldrop has first and degree "chemical be hospitalized several ASC Topples Delta State By Associated Press CLEVELAND, State spoiled two different goals for Delta State Wednesday night.

The Jonesboro squad squelched Delta's hopes for (1) a .500 season and (2) a winning farewell for coach John Ray Hicks. The visitors came out on top 86-83 with freshman Jerry Cook hitting for 26 points. Jack Case tallied 25 for Delta, Coast to Coast.

The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.