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- The Washington Posti
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'i The Housekeeper Nancy Goes 'A Shopping i I i ft 1 ft Mail the Coupon 8100 eaclL request Post gold Boom 43 tit la recipe fora flshdlsh prepare! Ipi any ynannerthat is prgctl can 5 Winners announced TuesqayAprll 28 1927 I orange cake win Itite Hi Ii ople ion wto found a new Remove that film see what jj Baked Apple Dumpling 2 cupa floqr If guests lister played bridge ana In to company were Mrs Robert Ted der hlemlngi: Mrs Edmund Domer or brown In market at this sei 8 Chicare Ill I Crackers I itoes I Only one tube to a family ft" 5 Wilkins Rogers Milling Company I tlfl ut 2a I TV rdk'l I i ii I live Willard tomorrow the MjcKli era Under Itjhei direction lot line McKinley' will give Ithe give Ithe first rientai the JWM: KAMES i I Nl al Private Counsel Upon the Sped Recoloring Hair by the New i the preparation pt School Committee Waterj Color Exhibition ew and scientific No tox Method will recplor it safely 8 Sure Relief SalonJ Third loor ng Girls The Man 1254 of the monti conditions 'h 1 i 4 "4 MMI1IIIIIIIIMIIIIM Contest qf ish I $500 second ptlxe X00 five thli BOYS GIRLS 1 1 a good electric James Alvord i 4 i i i en Some think they could At York iy A' The New Day Quality Dentifrice Endorsed by World's Dental Authorities 6 i and the' Cut (mail TH Mary aU 4 Grocers and Delicatessens Boston ac Bowdltch are at the i Pa Ave 8th Sts place thia morning In St rancis de Bales was a wedding break reception at Sherry's ba en laea 1 Tva Si Buiy Corner Washington Cft ft 4 Your Smile LilS i 1 I i ljU Max George ibennteon enwtainea 'W 'JX 1885 ORTY TWO YEARS AVORITb 1421 li iDelta earorltv will give fa dance tonight in the garden house tta ifkAaCwA Ik aS Eaai few MENU Consomme te Carlton Progressive Educa be entertained at noon in the 'garden house 15 MIlllOH USED A YEAR 1 ASummW Activities Dept airkye St NWJ 1 western I TRIPS I i 1 Boys and Girls 1 Yellowstone Colorado Camp Trip CAMP I COLORADO Cap in Rocky Mountabu (0y CORPORATION Never Have Any Disappointments With 1 1 i '3 'I "I 'L irn to defy detection I private consultations has been re rt from the Notox Salons in New In New York will return in i I IrMHH CTOMQE fioWMfrCRjrrmG wm toft nw mm cm maa enl rftlx with crisp lettuce celery I I Hr Chicken with Noodles resh Asparagus ruit SaladJSu fe Orange Cake Coffee POLOS I rt' Vi i ofbaadof chest are more saalljr treated extarnaUy i I VICKS VapoRUb Oser trsfution Jan ELL ANS OR INDIGESTION things i as spring We wonder sud denly how we got along last year wfth so few vases that were attractive aAd how we used our porch chairs with hW the paint nicked from their side iiW why the curtains look so ragged aad whether or hot they should stay ip during the summer and Mtf not what to do with them ir I I have not' forgotten that I this Qp partment of ours Is a department! deJ Ing with not one slde of homemaklig but with! many of its angles and te home is Indeed an angle that reouUps consideration at the spring of thq yetjr We might Itj Is true run a separate column With! attention only to the household things but It will bs bet ter I feel' to i work the unusual inv ests Into i this and Into the "shopping! cojumn" which wasisohje time ago a part of our homemakers' page and which we are to have ikgalii This shopping column was exceedingly popular during the weeks that vfe worked with It and we felt a great In terest to be existent In It among oir friends Because of the other work vf this department we were finally obliged to dispense with the shopping news but now alnce we have still an other head and pair of hands to help 'us with our work (In the form of an other assistant) we are going to take i the: shopping mews up again It? may 'not be on the page regularly because mot always may we hope to flnd articles worth bur special attention but Jfrom time to time It will appear and be Ws hope of as much assistance and pleasure as the beglnlnng ij 'Q We have still a number of reclpies to give through ithe column and give them following the menu i Mag I I ask that wf remember that today is lour radio dav with our homemhkerv hour frpm WRC at 10 We sri going to discuss luncheons ahd again takfj up the new food stuffs that begirt to appear In market at this season of the year I 1 Ijoeatlom Northern Pennsylvania Stiver Lake 1800 Elevation All Athletic and Educational eatures Special Train to and ront Washington Resident Physician Excellent ood itesa Verde Park Iilke Peak Rodeo Nine Weeks Au Camp Athletics and eatures I Together With Travel and Western Surroundingsg Very Moderate Charge 4 rrfHERE Is It seems to me he tHne I of the year that calls "ie (n i A slstentlyi for the detail of little VACATION in SCHOOL Hit j' Washington 5th Teaf it June td Ang 1 Work jf Accredited Il 1 1 Til i Mtfs guests at Swing Roasters and Distrwutors i Chill I the1 whole and I th mayonnaise and serve on leaves i Our reel cook book and most of iludei IS Aldrich Mrs Robert TTU Mrx William Corcoran John Hays Haminomd Mra Randall Hkgner tn Mins atecor MISS Town Club A Coffe lamp lltself Is of! glass and they be bad In several soft colors and shades that go with them are of 1 ngsfi They are ctf 1 Just the slze lanins for the bedside Itable and being colonial in design wmen with nearly every bedropm arrangment that wencan fancy They cost 8160 coupieie iiup auu snane ana length cord to go to tne aocketk i i saaoclatlon I will be honor and speaker to another dish i and let them djy the oven When i they are dried i have cooled cut them In pieces and mix them with the appie and celery a few maraschino cherries In pieces and add to the salad mixture This week will see a double Jap anese cherry blossoms In fullert bloom warm weather bringing them to flowering stage i I bl Tlalns point driveways are bordered with the deep pink of the double blos soms which should last until Hthe end of the month with' favorable? weather if to give As veil expensive i of the momentary noveltfes 4 1 11 Il OR the name the shops at which these things may be purchased wrte Nancy The Washlng or call her office Main 8205 nch 4o 1 fwe wui recau vnas same monTns sgo enjoyed shopping notes tpat dealt with the little things i to be seen in ths shops of our clty that were at once Inexpensive and of good value J4any times the artlcles that caught the shop ping eyet were reduced for clearance and would unless snapped up at be! long available! As I endeavor when running this shopping col umn I to get to itha shops each day It I is rather easier for me to discover these unusual values thin for the homemaker who must de pend upon the Advertisem*nt In the paper or upon her accidental discovery of I a reduced article We shall fre quently have very few articles to men tion in thla column 'M not always i fare there a great number oif things worth 'tide anneara In this column may depend It that Iti is I on the whole Inexpensive 1 (I 1 i OlsM as we know la much rage of the rtotnent and as ihe fad'! may at any tune pass altiifg ay to i anoiner noveisy ic la confine ourselves to the less tumbled across fetching little bits cAmps for i Boys and Girls jU c' CAMP MRED CLOUD Boy ZcaSip RED WING Girls Senior 12 18 Years Junior 4 13 Years drsi Edmund Domer i Theodore I Noyes Mrs Mrs Donald Wiley Mn le Mn SkllV Nelson Hartaon Mrs rancis mentioning to be had st a saving But when an Article appears in this column we may depend upon i lt that Iti is worth while and in some way unusUal and on the whole Inexpensive 0 Mrs Volpey Chase Mrs Oleh Tharles Daly Mrs: Joseph Cotter Joseph Mr Newton ox VIUlam Browning Mrs Buch Mrn ttalMsr Mrs Rital co*ck Mrl John EL Parker Mna 1 Price' Mrs Mabbltt Reek Maieoltn Duvall Mrs Daniel i i irst prze 500 secopd pi Ire I 00 five third prices U' 1 T' RULE8 i I Ail entries in before' mldnlrfit Abril IS 1927 4' Recipes must be written bq one side of paper only and on the Sheet iijitn tne recipe no otner cominmucation may api if paper TT" rn Where coartesy prevails njEDERAVAMEppAN No account too largo or too email for ctuttomert tajto try to io the right tMng 4 I I ii comes I Rqn your tongue across your teeth and you will feel a film a viscous coat that covers them I That film is ah enepiy to your teeth and your 'jmnul You must remove it I' It clings to teeth gets into crev ice and stays It discolors tls tint netaai 08ntal health Mueom April 4th t5 23rL It pmbpdlca the foremost dental thought ta modern practices I THE PEPSODENt COMPAXT a LMmaamBMmaBMMMMP 1 I esr awvww Pin Money picalilli 7 Add this old Southern delicacy to your salads Give thema new savor with" 'this delightful relish made by an old Colonial recipe I 1 Picalilli Relish is a mellow blendlag of all the famous Pin Money Pickles I a splendid digestive that can da invert nv who cannot eat ordinary pipkie New the low the McKinley dlanc mus vro ner formhncej dff'The Waters of the Ni a musical episode composed by Mr James Bussell Barr I I The festival waits following the sode iwllj bel led by President and Mrs H1 McClurg of the aoctety i I I jl I i Mr TJ lamson will be the guest of honor and I speaker at a luncheon to be given hjt the American Association of University Women at 12:30 'd iiri i I MrJ ranklin Barber Clark will have an eXhlbltlop of portrait riday from a f4 cio Me tlon I itea this aft of the Oraco podge hotel 'J i Mr Morton JBnyder executive! aecre top for Spring (Is when the prices drop (and thus nature's glfi preparej to warm her frigid winter air MbRAL Try Griffith in April tions and gives your teeth that cloudy look Germs by the millions breed in it and lay your teeth open to decay And they with tartar are the chief cause or pyor rheai and gpm disorders Tooth troubles and gum troubles now are largely traced to that film 1 Old time methods fail in successfully combating why regardless of the care you take nowx your teeth remain atuisana unattractive i i Newihethods remove it jirwuiitrm tne igums or remark on a separate sheet Address all communications to Nancy Carey The Vfashlngti Rftnm 41 0 i HI Hl i ll i tf I fcl I I I i 11 4 One retUpe only raaj be submitted per person end this mu a cipe fora flsn prepared Ifi any jnanner thfft practical anaxoou 'll I ibev will be st the' PlxzX hotel until Soling on Aprl :30 for Europe 4fr niid Mrs James A Davidson an nounce pie engagement of their daugh ter Miss Marla Monteto Dwridaon to Mt Edward Scott Tyior The: wedding will take place In Juna 1 'idrs srenceHensey entertained at Rmcheohj yesterday honor of Mrs John Ttouse of Knoxville Tenn in toe lorentine! room at the Wardman Park hotel The otner guests were jps EE All wine' Mrs John Cole MM I A Rope! Mrs'Harry I Semmea Mils Alexander Bemmes Mrs rank Brown Mrs Waller Mias Crouch Mrs Jaik Connolly! Mrs Myers Mrs Edward Eyncm Mrs William Moody Mrs A Shelton Mrs' John A Wagner Mrs Jack Main Mrs '05 Haskell Mrs Paul Blalrl Mrs A Coetlnett Heenaric aenaenrein pGee Mra Manly Michael' Mrs Chapman Mn IJeMey Mis Ah Hansey Mrs William AJ Phillips way luunp Mrs jiurcun and Burklln s' 11 Of rphM glass thle other morning at an astonishingly reasonable figure The bits OC glass were vertlble and of toe I moat: delicate Shade with little swirlings of design were when right aide up very Ung candlesticks of toe design in which we are accustomed to ate flower bowls shaped low with a wide flange And when these minia ture i candlesticks are turned over they form splendid nice looking little ash receivers with a high center that may be used for snubbing out the lighted end of a cigarette They were attrac unusually so at least I in toe: opinion of the shopper and fold for BOc making town a dollar JL Once number of months ago I remember being Impressed whllei in Philadelphia with a number lof little lamp with shades that sold for the sum of 8225 complete It proves that things are really modifying In price: When I say that I saw a like lamp with shades even better looking 14 one 01 our focal simps on Monday The imi may me snaoes mat ko wu toe fluted variety with llttli edgings They are ctf 1 these Tlamps for the bedi me i mder In water to which an onior a bay leaf and a few stalks of celery i have been added i Remove when cooked to a hot platter and garnish with pirsley and over the top arrange a few Strips of pimento Season toe broth in chicken wm cooked with salt land pepper to taste: and thicken with flour mixed with sufficient milk! to pour easily The flour required defendsupon the amount of broth1 that re mains after the: cooking of the chicken Strain the gravy and keep it hot I Dropone package of egg noodles Into lbbll ing salted water and cook until tender Pour a cup of the thickened gravy over the chicken on the platter and add the remaining noodles (which have been drained) to the remainder of the gravy The noodles should make of the pavy a thick liquid that Is to be served in place vjof an extra vegetable somdwhat as wt serve macaroni with cheese I ruit Bated Supreme Pare one lares apple removi core and cut into small pieces Squeeze over the pieces the juice of one lemon six stalks of celery in small pieces 'boiling water over half a bound of dates stir them well remove them to another dish and let them djy In the oven When I they are dried and ixredlents Warm the molasses and add to thd milk: pour the whole gradually into dry folxture Add the i prunes andl bake for an hour in a stow ovelnii ii: CATHOLIC COMMIHEe! ON PEACE TQ CONVENE I (CONTINUED iffOif HgE T) fl i i li i 1 rj former Gov Rich of Michigan andKts visiting hr cousin Mr Lillian Kl UI If Miss Virginia G' Borrows of Niagara alls is visiting her aunt JIGlenhii LefoudJ hl TMix Charles 'oj Maas Who psssed return in' a Loves Out Doors! I I weather was about wnrt: nnemv rouKhenina sn chapping my skin until I couldn't half enjoy nice crispy out of dobrsy says: sparkling Miss Gussle Gpber man 612 Warwick St Brooklyn "But: now using Black and White Cold Cream my complexl ion keeps soft smooth and velvety as a in any kind of weaither This exquisitely i textured creep Is wonderful too for smoothing out tired "signs that might become wlnkltes plumping out hollows Iti my' neck and keeping my hands lii 'splendid I Wind and weather will lose their menace for you too once yod feel the soothing healing touch of Black and White Cold Cream and seb the marvelous way it keeps yourlskln from being rough chapped or sunJ burned You can get this delightful cream i from dealers everywhere along i with tne other Black White Beauty Creations at popular 60c and 26c prices Wax rBult eom from Luk Black and White Skin Soap along with the Black and White Beauty Creations i I mation in your: mouth doing it today Modern science has way in tqoth and gum care A way different from iany you have ever known Just send the coupon for a 10rday test IH sale It grocers and delicatessens i I all sizes from 2 pound sacks' up I S' i 'i I I'Mr: Dinner Hamtren nmn ainniiit dinner bn Sunday at the Mis Eleanor Hard Miss edmond Ml Virginia Har Blount of Mobile My Weaver I Mr' WUllsm Hard iliam I Harrigan and Mr I be enhanced by danling white teeth and ptetty gums this new way li I i 1 I 1 Youlcan now remove the DINGY ILM pl thatj clouds your teeth amd imperils I healthy gums accept this jdental test i I' i I I 'I STUDY sttrsitive people men or women Note the tremendous part gleaming clear tefth play Off color teeth are an injustice to sipile permit them to mar yours i And bejlieve your teeth are naturally dull ana color ess You can disprove that Can wo a transfor miuious arc 400 Delegates to Attend Con ference Today 6n Plari' for 'World Amityi A conference of educational leaders oil the Roman Catholic Church Spon sored by the Catholic Church commit tee on international peace wllli can vane at 10 o'clock today at Cathodic irjilveralty with the alm of working Out plan tor Jnternatlonal 'peace i Ap proximately 400 delegates including rated scholars and ecdeslastlcMJieSd efs are expected to attend If tt Col Patrick Henry Callahkn lof Lpulsvllle Ky chairman of thei foter ntlonali peace committee announced tEat the conference la an outgrowth1 of a luncheon at toe Eucharistic congress wfjlch was attended by representatives fifteen nations There a dlsCUsafon oft means to attain world peabet was Mid 'I IO Archbishop Edward Hanna head of th National! Catholic Welfare council will preside I at the meetings today Dita obtained through months lof re search work jwlll be utilize ag pric aid in? the preparation pt the bridge: Satoriay evening in honor of Mr and MrsJ Ellsworth Langdon of Sche nectady ipie guests included Mr land Mrs Walter feterne Davis Mr and Mrs lqurnoyi Schneider Mr pnd Mrs Leigh Mead Hammond Mrs jrredericx ell You can put an end lo all your baking troubles1 by using I this: 5'iW il I' ii a 'I? O' I ro i 'ji Perfect lour for All Purposes i VACATION oung People ft i I1 Krna I 1 1 a cupq nopr! i i 2 teaspoons baking powdefJ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter'! 4 tablespoons sugar' TL Annlca I butter II Wet with enough milk a aoir oouen aou oui six sauares Slice appl and turh up the corners and turnovers tbps made ln a ibak Pour over the following sauce for one half hour or possibly longer allowing the dumplings nicely on thf top 1 1 4 If Sauce for Dumplings! 1 cup of siigar I i 4 A cup butter 2 cuds bolllne water 9 Pour boiling water oyer ton uga and butter and then pour lover the dumplings and place them in 'hotj oven tocooki 1 I 1 I I IL 3 I tfj Scalloped Tomatoes Butter a biking disb and pui iaytn of bread crumbs alternately with iayenl of tomatoes (canned or freh)eibd and pepper and dots eff butter until Cha dish is filled I or the materials exha ust cd As a matter: of fact It '1 a bit! 'more this it jit 'has hart 'added' to It's dash ot celery said and al few gratings pt onion There is possibility tost some member of these numerous families may otl Tike onion flavor and It Is therefore with considerable hesitancy) that! I gjvel La' recipe that actually calls for a 'flavor lng of onion! But It may In 044 cse be used or left out as one desires Bake this dish In a moderate oveii for fifteen to twenty Canutes The carmea Jnatoe are more usually selected to plenty iwn nature lii A all (roubles theyd disperse If laws I ar Lw al al a 8 mey couxa reverse aiuco ox luoir vuce cauu uaj epem twix soaring dreams or Sad lament Their minds con sumed thus hopelessly they truly time to see that nature is a grand old dame the slave ofi man in and name Whjile some) lament and curse her ways the wise men showenher wi praise and use her bounteous gifts for gain or comfort Of to ease their pain Old nature with her measured stride each year in seasons does divide so when warm Sprinig precedes hot June we know that Win coming soon and those wise in old way make preparation that' day They fill their coal bins to the' top for Spring Is when the prices drop and thus with Play i iw? I Two 1 Swimming Pool Playgrounds ij fiupelrvtalon tor Small Children gD 1 Tii Weetem Trip for Mau' VAWbi: Invil NO 'T M8S8 8UW AUP V8 8 ifrlq of Easter weddings Staking place today was tost' of Miss Nelen Walker daughter of Mr and Mrs James Blaine Walker of lllfiO lftht savenue and Dominique A Homan son of Mr and Mrs August 'Hoi nan bf Cincinnati The ceremony VOCK! toe Church' of Afterward there fast and anftalt The' bride Is) la grandnlete i ot James) Blaine who served as Secretary of State In President Benjamin cabi net di A son waft! born riday to Mr and Mrs' Richard ClHolladay jr Tbe chlld Is their third apd their first son Mrs Holladay waS Miiss Nlnna Blair daugh ter of 1 Mr and iMrs Montgomery Blair 'of Washlngtqmtl I 1 1 Water Color Exhibition I i' The exhlbiit of water colors bv lorence C'1 Eastbrook at the League: of American Pen! Women's clubhouse 1709 street nortlhweet will be continued through tola week it wap announced yesterday 1 The exhibit is open to the public i between 5 hours of 10 a an and 5 rrt jl tJary lof guesv 01 I Ep Kappa vr Di (tDe Draw podge botejL i Nel Yiork Society Special to The Washington Post (I New YbrkLi April The first trio or EAstftp ii wm MfoJ ino: Harold Tltus lMr8f! John Mrs Jbhrt Beattk Mrs Grover Oil Mrs Carl mra voijjry uqase mu MIB Mrs Mrs MUn 'Mis jtvdJcP lul VUcQftICS JnXS 'uS sell Hitchco*ck MrSJohn EL Parker Hr nppic li 1 81ft Ingredients then qut 4n tire mae it and cut intolles into' them Notbx Method Private consultation of course entails nq fee or obli although! Notox ap plications may be had at the regular priced i your hair is gray or streaked 05 if jthq tell tale signs are just appearing this 1 eo BrnriU I 1 Coffee I WASHINGTON Chlckc With "Noodles BoR a chicken slowly until te bf the valley:) Miss Helen raa maid of honor I Her of I orchid With a hat to her bouquet was of Sweet liltes of the valley Mr Walker vtt hfint mari for ei 1 Miss Margaret ITap nt ana 1 Love A reception folioweld at if the mother iafter which Mr) land Mr Walker departed for a motor trip to North Carolina! and ueoreis on tneir return they will with! jto8 mother oocterj opnngreie thje spring festival of the' Stateiaoclety to be held at York will givpyoi the advice you If you wish to arrange a jconvenient hour before calling at the tore i us Phone Main 7200 and ask f6r our Beauty i II I if" 1 Main Office 1319 Street NW 1 rankKn 4840 Coai uel Building Material budget for 1929 will be etarted pyf the flndncft committee of the board of edu cation In conference! with school bf leers and other board members) ait Ian executive session at 3:30 this afternoon af the ranklin admlnlstra tlou building TP Recommendations few estimate to carried yesterday were asked tit I ad ministrative and supervisory officers concerned with budget appropriations by Superintendent of Schools rank Bahou I The recommendations will be matte In detailed reports submitted! be fore April 29 The I budget bureau I of th District hw asked the board to submit final by Majr IS Cherry Blossoms i Tl IN ear Carlton hbtel "I 1 1 i Mr and Mire tnslev Blair alto arls at theCstrlton hotel1 "I II IL 1 l' I Rehearsal) are being held dally In thft ballroprrt of the Willard hotel for the children? spring dancing festival and playlet "Beneath 'Circus Tent to foe given under the direction of Miss Hawke! at ftheBelaoo theater April 28 st 2:13 for the benefit bf the Girl Scojits aseoclaitloh) Thoee who have subscribed for boxes are Mme Aquino! Princess Ooneompagnl' Mrs Tasker Hji BUlos Mr iCharlea Dewey Mme Ekengren Mrs Henry lather Mr Grant 3d Mis) Joseph! Crew Mrs Herbert Hoover Mrs Keith! Mer rill Couhtete Szechenyl Mrs Walter Tuckermate Mrs Boughton Wood and Mlts vtxojxni A partial Hist Of patronesses In Aors kuienura i Bacon Mrt Bayard Mra nee uinwin1 1 Eustis 1 Mm ranklin Kill Mr 1 mn uzaei mlak Mr Eugene Meyer and CuJlnp White Miss Taliaferro The wedding of Miss Lllllam Hans ford Taliaferro daughter of Mrs Amelia B411 Taliaferro to Mr Oliver Russell Walloer son tit Mrs Walker of Elberton Gs took 'plaice at St fetephen's Episcopal church on Saturday (evening at 6 o'clock toe Revs George Dudley officiating' The brldte was given in marriage by her! uncle Mr Benjamin Conchlej!) She wore a gown of ashes of roses and a hat to match and car ried a bouquit of Annie Laurie roses ana: lines Browning gown was mltch and pea and Robert IB his brotoep pen lsaiig You! Truly the home MriLi rahcl Hill jr te Jones Mrs Avon Nevlua Mrs Ger ald Linke Mr James Littlehale Mr Allison Miller Mrs Clark Moee Mr Charles Jewyll Lelbeli Mrs HarrlM Son McCawfoy Mrs' Leonard Butt Mrs 'Viator I Cahill Mrs iPerTO Wilmer Mr iphkrle AUeb Mrs Charles Moms Mr rank Hogain mother qf toe hostess Ml Isabelle Stabler Mila Dorothy Wqodpn iMlss Mary! Tumulty Mias) rance Saul Mis Letitia Emery Mies Dorothy Miller Mis Rose! Saul Mlsl rueanor Mins mim Mlss LbuUe HowserAV IbifWa tfavw 404 vauo llzabetli Mito Vlrl end Mias Prances I R' 'll' 4 TkJ evening at o'clock) the mar riage ceremony bf Mias Camille Irvine toe younger daughter of Head Master 8nd Mrs: Irvin of) the Mercersburg Academy and Mr Cforke Winship Slade New York city will be performed In the academy chapel at Mercersburg Mtetelrylne will have as her ma ron dt hbndr Mr Ji Meredith Hickey Of St I Louis Mo and as her brldes rnaldsIMr Jteme Pj Lewis bf Philadel phia Mika Virginia Conway ot At tentlc Dlty Mias Mary Taylor and! Miss Rugenld Lejeune of Washington Miss Margaret Rankin ot Mercersburg Ipa and Ml Anna Katharine Roulette of Hagerstown I Md Miss Jacqueline West and Mites Camille: West the small daughters! ofi Miss only sister Mrs Jplhn Di I West of Melrose Mass Will 'flower! girl I 9' 1 '1 Mr mhn will ba Mr Ray thond Hix of Jamaica I who was his roommate in college 'His ushers Will be! Mr David Brockway and Mr Bert jMllteoa Qf Altoany Ni MrJ Mott Garlock of Newark YMr Lee Jamlsdn bf fit Davids Pa Mr David Chapman! of Broadalbin Yi Qeorgei I Hamer jr of I Lawrence Maa Mri Archibald Rutledge jr of Mercersburg Pa and Mr Oscar Ciaraner Majut 1 The bride who will be the first to be married In the academy chapel will be given In I marriage by her father Dr William Mann Irvine Dr Boyd Ed wards 'of! tbe IH111 I school 3 and Dr Charles A 1 Richmond of Union college Mr Slade's alma mater will perform ithe ceilemony After the! church eerv a reception will be given at North ttageji the home of Dr and Mrs Ir vine: The organist will be Mr David CrozleroX Philadelphia Pa who ts a Princetbn friend of the head inasterl 1 1 1 rL Mr Anne Kelledy Gilbert enter tained yesterday afternoon from 4 to 8 yteiock Tin honor of Mrs Miay ol well lESnScft vereWAvw es4 WPv 7 a'ww yAwy I Henderson of Glasgow osa marrlaae to Miu nnmthv vta rill take place on Saturday 1 la a guest It: Mayflower lii I in 1 it 4 aui oerresaen wiu ae on' MQnday for New York where us have toe cook book which makes it not neqca sary for me to repeat the formula hr at this time Here are the! ireqtew redoes that! have collected At least here are as many bf uthein manage) today 'r 1 requested NErir ii 8 "Salmon 'Pie' lflw 4HA kirt fialra4 Un4( two cup of thick white sauce and add aalt and pepper to taste Line a baking dish with hot mashed potatoes that have been made very eof Witte cresrr or mtlk and reasoned with butter Kalt and pepper Put into toe i center I of this lining Of potato the 'salmon tnat has been mixed wlth theicream sauce and arrange te ring or border: of potato around the edge at the finished dish A pastry bag (or set) 1 useful In thfo instance and adds materially) to tite appearance bf the finished! product 4 which Is to gb to the table intehe dish! In which It Ite baked' I ire Johin William Guider entertaln it luncheon yesterday at the Co lt la Country club in compliment ito Thelma Ledbetter I of Michigan ri Ind and Miss Bernadlne Guider Syracuse YBlster ln law of toe Nowlin a new type dentifrice called Pepsodent identaf science ha pro vided effective combatants Their I action is to curdle the film and re'i move it then to firm the gums 5 Now what you see when that film 5 is removed the whiteness of your i teethm will amaze you Ordinary methods fail in these result Thus the world has turned largely on dental advice to this new method Mail the coupon A 10 day tube will be sent you free eampalrn exhibit In' the National 11 6 Beix ans Hot water Sure Relief Moriarty! and Mr i 4 Mrs ttenklln' White Of comntniM nr i mim orbesl ot 1 Hilton Mate iltelr of Tuxedo "the fresh except In the sei wnen we may msxe use ijpmatoes In every possible 1 I 8 I Prune Bread 1 clip' white flour 2 cups graham flour 1 heaping teaspoon sod 1 teaspoon! salt 111! ') 8 81ft I together 1 all dry wwui xnvBsera aim aaa lo i pour the whole gradually into ISJ i1' LN 'i 'mmi LOSi COEES i Hr i fat I 1 Irf i mi Baai i II ii" ii i nil lai lii: nr 't a I ft 21 4 i i I nil I LAST DAV CONTEST LiOi ii il 3 I IE4 I ft 1 Hr 1 i i 1 1 I tw ui i c' 5 ft I 1 1 wJ 'll I 'll Of i I ATMLLi AUt ft I I 1 I it '1X I REE 'uLe i I a st P1 ft Iw 1 Til I i'll Tft3 XT ft si ii yy ft'Hft'i I 'll Bi ts JI 3 Picalilli i I 1 j) 4pUftOOUNCU 3 JL KVa I A) evaWATn ft ift ft ft ftl ft! I Mayflo SK" Lrnund snea Mui toe BlUe uoroinnr ivn Qi IIOOM KEQ ftW 1 I ft ft I ft 'll ft! h1 i 1 I i John' inRi atlo 1 1 14 da ft i I I io J1 'hr i ft li'lMr 'SM1 I I yirent lenophot rd Mrs allahan i oca JiExObj cij jjy gt MtfV QwVHJ LslJTYwinS i I ft i I I i I riM aijlIiiHlllllllOli AU 1 a vjnenta ftBranb CUffee Washington.
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